(the non-executable ones).
+ <program name="initialize">
+ <description>
+The scriptlet which will be executed before the root filesystem is mounted and
+the configuration has been loaded. Before executing the script, the
+configuration directory will be made the working directory.
+ </description>
+ <parameterList>
+ <parameter name="vserver-dir">
+ <description>
+The configuration directory of the current vserver.
+ </description>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="vserver-name">
+ <description>
+The name of the current vserver.
+ </description>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="action">
+ <description>
+The fixed value of the current action (e.g. 'prepre-start', 'post-stop'...).
+ </description>
+ </parameter>
+ </parameterList>
+ </program>
+ <collection name="initialize.d">
+ <description>
+Repository of initialize like scripts. Before executing the script,
+the configuration directory will be made the working directory.
+ </description>
+ <program name="script" type="symbolic">
+ <description>See initialize.</description>
+ <parameterList>
+ <parameter name="vserver-dir">
+ <description>
+The configuration directory of the current vserver.
+ </description>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="vserver-name">
+ <description>
+The name of the current vserver.
+ </description>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="action">
+ <description>
+The fixed value of the current action (e.g. 'prepre-start', 'post-stop'...).
+ </description>
+ </parameter>
+ </parameterList>
+ </program>
+ </collection>
<program name="prepre-start">
The scriptlet which will be executed before the network-interfaces are
sanityCheck "$VSERVER_DIR"
+pushd "$VSERVER_DIR" >/dev/null
+execScriptlets "$VSERVER_DIR" "$VSERVER_NAME" initialize
+popd >/dev/null
mountRootFS "$VSERVER_DIR"
generateOptions "$VSERVER_DIR"