read domainname <"$vdir"/uts/domainname || read domainname <"$vdir"/domainname || :
} 2>/dev/null
- test \( ! -e "$vdir"/hostname -o -e "$vdir"/uts/nodename \) -a \
- \( ! -e "$vdir"/domainname -o -e "$vdir"/uts/domainname \) || {
- echo $"\
-The hostname is now configured in 'uts/nodename' but not in 'hostname' anymore;
-the old way is not supported when using 2.6 kernel patches so it is strongly
-recommended to move these files.
-The same applies to 'domainname' vs. 'uts/domainname'." >&2
- }
test -z "$S_CONTEXT" || ctx=$S_CONTEXT
_generateCapabilityOptions "$vdir"
INTERFACES=( "${INTERFACES[@]}" "$ip${prefix:+/$prefix}" )
test ! -e "$iface"/nodev || break
- test ! -e "$iface"/only_ip || {
- echo $"The 'only_ip' flag for interface '$iface' is deprecated; use 'nodev' instead of" >&2
- break
- }
+ test ! -e "$iface"/only_ip || break
case "$dev" in
local mtab_src
test -e "$cfgdir"/fstab -o \
- -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.local || return 0
+ -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.local -o \
+ -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.remote || return 0
findObject -r mtab_src "$vdir"/apps/init/mtab "$CONFDIR"/.defaults/init/mtab "$PKGLIBDEFAULTDIR"/mtab /dev/null
test -z "$NAMESPACE_CLEANUP" || isAvoidNamespace "$cfgdir" || \
$_VNAMESPACE --cleanup
- _mountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab $_CHBIND "${CHBIND_OPTS[@]}"
+ _mountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab
_mountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab.local
+ _mountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab.remote $_CHBIND "${CHBIND_OPTS[@]}"
isAvoidNamespace "$cfgdir" || \
$_SECURE_MOUNT --rbind -n "$vdir" "/"
test -z "$already_handled" -o "$DONT_SKIP_DEFAULTS" || break
+function sanityCheck
+ declare -r cfgdir=$1
+ ! test -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.local ||
+ warning $"\
+WARNING: 'fstab' will *not* be executed in the network context of the
+ vserver anymore. Therefore, 'fstab.local' has the same functionality
+ and is obsoleted. When you need the old behaviour, put the mounts
+ into 'fstab.remote'"
+ ! test -e "$cfgdir"/hostname -a ! -L "$cfgdir"/hostname ||
+ warning $"\
+WARNING: The hostname is now configured in 'uts/nodename' but not in
+ 'hostname'."
+ ! test -e "$cfgdir"/domainname -a ! -L "$cfgdir"/domainname ||
+ warning $"\
+WARNING: The domainname is now configured in 'uts/domainname' but not
+ in 'domainname'." >&2
+ local i
+ for i in "$cfgdir"/interfaces/*/only_ip; do
+ if test -e "$i"; then
+ local iface
+ iface=${i##$cfgdir/interfaces/}
+ iface=${iface%%/only_ip}
+ warning $"\
+WARNING: The 'only_ip' flag for interface '$iface' is deprecated; use
+ 'nodev' instead of"
+ fi
+ done
+ find "$cfgdir" -type f -exec "$_CHECK_UNIXFILE" '{}' ';'
+ vshelper.doSanityCheck
+ panic $"capabilities are not enabled in kernel-setup"