## This package understands the following switches:
## --without dietlibc ... disable usage of dietlibc
-## --without xalan ... do not require/use the xalan xslt processor
+## --with xalan ... require/use the xalan xslt processor
%global confdir %_sysconfdir/vservers
%global confdefaultdir %confdir/.defaults
%global pkglibdir %_libdir/%name
-%global __chattr /usr/bin/chattr
%global chkconfig /sbin/chkconfig
%global _localstatedir %_var
Summary: Linux virtual server utilities
Version: @VERSION@
-Release: %release_func 0
+Release: %release_func 0.5
License: GPL
Group: System Environment/Base
URL: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/util-vserver/
BuildRequires: gcc-c++ wget which diffutils
BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel beecrypt-devel
BuildRequires: doxygen tetex-latex
-Requires(post): %__chattr
+Requires(post): %name-core
Requires(pre): %pkglibdir
Requires(postun): %pkglibdir
%{!?_without_dietlibc:BuildRequires: dietlibc >= 0:0.25}
-%{!?_without_xalan:BuildRequires: xalan-j}
+%{?_with_xalan:BuildRequires: xalan-j}
%package lib
Summary: Dynamic libraries for util-vserver
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Requires(pre): %confdir
Requires(postun): %confdir
-%ifarch %ix86
-Requires: apt
+Requires(post): %name-core
%package sysv
Summary: SysV-initscripts for vserver
test -d /vservers || mkdir -m0000 /vservers
test -d /vservers/.pkg || mkdir -m0755 /vservers/.pkg
-f="%confdefaultdir/vdirbase"; test -L "$f" -o -e "$f" || ln -s /vservers "$f"
-f="%confdefaultdir/run.rev"; test -L "$f" -o -e "$f" || ln -s %_localstatedir/run/vservers.rev "$f"
+f="%confdefaultdir/vdirbase"; test -L "$f" -o -e "$f" || ln -s /vservers "$f"
+f="%confdefaultdir/run.rev"; test -L "$f" -o -e "$f" || ln -s %_localstatedir/run/vservers.rev "$f"
+f="%confdefaultdir/cachebase"; test -L "$f" -o -e "$f" || ln -s %_localstatedir/cache/vservers "$f"
+%_sbindir/setattr --barrier /vservers /vservers/.pkg || :
-%_sbindir/setattr --barrier /vservers || :
+test "$1" != 0 || rm -rf %_localstatedir/cache/vservers/* 2>/dev/null || :
%post lib -p /sbin/ldconfig
test "$1" = 0 || %_initrddir/vprocunhide condrestart >/dev/null || :
-%triggerin build -- fedora-release
+%triggerin build -- fedora-release, centos-release
function copy()
cp -a "$i" "$target"
copy fedora /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-*/RPM-GPG-*
copy fedora /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-*
copy centos /usr/share/doc/centos-*/RPM-GPG-KEY-*
+%post build
+test -d /vservers/.hash || mkdir -m0700 /vservers/.hash
+f="%confdefaultdir/apps/vunify/hash"; test -e "$f"/method -o -e "$f"/00 || \
+ ln -s /vservers/.hash "$f"/00
+%_sbindir/setattr --barrier /vservers/.hash || :
%preun build
test "$1" != 0 || rm -f %confdir/.distributions/.common/pubkeys/fedora-*
%dir %confdefaultdir/apps
%dir %confdefaultdir/files
%dir %pkglibdir/defaults
+%ghost %confdefaultdir/cachebase
%ghost %confdefaultdir/vdirbase
%ghost %confdefaultdir/run.rev
+%dir %_localstatedir/cache/vservers
%dir %_localstatedir/run/vservers
%dir %_localstatedir/run/vservers.rev
%dir %_localstatedir/run/vshelper
+* Sun Jan 22 2006 Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de> - 0.30.210-0
+- do not require 'xalan' anymore by default
+- removed 'Requires: apt'; apt-rpm is not maintained upstream anymore
+- removed 'chattr' leftovers
+- create the '/etc/vservers/.defaults/cachebase' symlink
+- added /var/cache/vservers and the needed support
+- set barrier attribute on /vservers/.pkg and /vservers/.hash
+- added 'centos-release' to the list of packages in the copy-the-keys
+ trigger script
+- create '/vservers/.hash' and add initial configuration for it
+* Sun Oct 30 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de> - 0:0.30.209-0
+- version 0.30.209
+- copy centos keys
* Sat Jul 16 2005 Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de> - 0:0.30.208-2
- updated URLs