+version 0.30.211
+ - novlandev is now the default. To reenable the old behaviour of
+ creating VLAN interfaces where used, touch
+ ${sysconfdir}/vservers/.defaults/interfaces/vlandev.
+ - vshelper now works correctly with the kernel legacy support turned
+ off.
+ - vlogin provides a terminal proxy which allocates a new psuedo-tty
+ on the inside when you enter a guest.
+ - and lots of other features/fixes, see ChangeLog.
version 0.30.210
-AC_INIT(util-vserver, 0.30.210, enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de)
+AC_INIT(util-vserver, 0.30.211, vserver@list.linux-vserver.org)
echo ">>> create release tag"
-#svn copy ${svnroot}/trunk ${svnroot}/tags/release-${ver} \
-# -m "Tagging the ${ver} release of the ${proj} project" || die "svn copy failed"
+svn copy ${svnroot}/trunk ${svnroot}/tags/release-${ver} \
+ -m "Tagging the ${ver} release of the ${proj} project" || die "svn copy failed"
echo ">>> bootstrap sources"
echo ">>> create release tarball"
-./configure || die "configure failed"
+./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr || die "configure failed"
make dist || die "make dist failed"
for i in *.tar.bz2 *.tar.gz; do