# $Id$
+%if "%{?_without_python:1}" != "1"
+%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
## This package understands the following switches:
## --without dietlibc ... disable usage of dietlibc
## --with xalan ... require/use the xalan xslt processor
%{?_without_beecrypt:BuildRequires: nss-devel}
BuildRequires: e2fsprogs
%{!?_without_doc:BuildRequires: doxygen tetex-latex}
+%{!?_without_python:BuildRequires: python python-devel}
Requires(post): %name-core
Requires(pre): %pkglibdir
Requires(postun): %pkglibdir
Requires: pkgconfig
Requires: %name-lib = %version-%release
+%package python
+Summary: Python bindings to develop vserver-based applications
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %name-lib = %version-%release
util-vserver provides the components and a framework to setup virtual
This package contains header files and libraries which are needed to
develop VServer related applications.
+%description python
+util-vserver provides the components and a framework to setup virtual
+servers. A virtual server runs inside a linux server. It is nevertheless
+highly independent. As such, you can run various services with normal
+configuration. The various vservers can't interact with each other and
+can't interact with services in the main server.
+This package contains the files needed to interface with the
+Linux-VServer API from Python.
%setup -q -n %name-%fullver
%configure --with-initrddir=%_initrddir --enable-release \
%{?_without_dietlibc:--disable-dietlibc} \
%{?_with_legacy:--enable-apis=NOLEGACY} \
- --with-initscripts=sysv
+ --with-initscripts=sysv \
+ %{?_without_python:--without-python}
%__make %{?_smp_mflags} all
%{!?_without_doc:%__make %{?_smp_mflags} doc}
%{!?_without_doc:%doc lib/apidoc/html}
+%files python
* Mon Jun 25 2007 Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <daniel@hozac.com> - 0.30.214-0
- updated URLs