# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
declare -r _VS_NEWLINE=${_VS_NEWLINE:0-1}
( set -P && cd "$1" && pwd )
+function logging
+ if test "$_VS_LOGFILE"; then
+ echo "$@" >>"$_VS_LOGFILE"
+ else
+ echo "$@"
+ fi
+function warning
+ if test "$_VS_ERRFILE"; then
+ echo "$@" >>"$_VS_ERRFILE"
+ else
+ echo "$@" >&2
+ fi
+function panic
+ if test "$_VS_ERRFILE"; then
+ echo "$@" >>"$_VS_ERRFILE"
+ else
+ echo "$@" >&2
+ fi
+ exit 1
+function execute
+ test -z "${DEBUG_EXEC:-}" || echo "$@"
+ test "${DEBUG_EXEC:-}" = noexec || exec "$@"
+ exit 0
function _pkgMountBindDir()
test "$1" != "$2" || return 0
## Called as 'getFileArray <varname> <filename>'
function getFileArray
- test -r "$2" || return 0
+ test -r "$2" || return 1
eval "$1"='( $(< "$2") )'
test -z "$cfgdir" -o ! -d "$cfgdir" -o -e "$cfgdir"/internal
+## Usage: pkgmgmt.isAptAvailable <cfgdir> <vdir> [<is-internal>]
+function pkgmgmt.isAptAvailable
+ local cfgdir="$1"
+ local vdir="$2"
+ local is_internal="$3"
+ local have_apt i
+ if test "$is_internal"; then
+ have_apt=1
+ test -d "$cfgdir"/base/apt -o -d "$cfgdir"/aptetc || have_apt=
+ else
+ have_apt=
+ for i in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin; do
+ test ! -x "$vdir$i"/apt-get || { have_apt=1; break; }
+ done
+ fi
+ test "$have_apt" && return 0 || return 1
+function vshelper.doSanityCheck
+ local vshelper this_xid i
+ declare -a warnings=()
+ local solution_disable=
+ local solution_sysctl=
+ vshelper.isEnabled && vshelper.isEnabled warning || return 0
+ this_xid=$($_VSERVER_INFO - XID) ||
+ panic $"Failed to determine current context; aborting..."
+ ## Do nothing in other xid's; the helper will be executed in xid 0 only
+ test "$this_xid" = 0 || return 0
+ local proc_file=/proc/sys/kernel/vshelper
+ if ! test -r "$proc_file"; then
+ vshelper=
+ warnings=( "${warnings[@]}"
+ $"File '$proc_file' does not exists but is required for vshelper setup" )
+ solution_disable=1
+ else
+ vshelper=$(cat "$proc_file")
+ cmp -s "$vshelper" "$_VSHELPER" || {
+ warnings=( "${warnings[@]}"
+ $"The configured vshelper '$vshelper' does not match the 'vshelper'
+ script of the util-vserver package"
+ )
+ solution_disable=1
+ solution_sysctl=1
+ }
+ fi
+ test -d "$VSHELPERSTATEDIR" || {
+ warnings=( "${warnings[@]}"
+ $"\
+The vshelper state-directory '$VSHELPERSTATEDIR' does not exist;
+ since it is created by 'make install', this indicates a serious
+ problem with your util-vserver installation" )
+ solution_disable=1
+ }
+ test "${#warnings[@]}" -eq 0 || {
+ warning $"\
+The following problem(s) were encountered while verifying vshelper
+ for i in "${warnings[@]}"; do
+ warning "* $i"
+ done
+ warning $"\
+To fix this, you can:"
+ test -z "$solution_disable" || warning $"\
+* disable vshelper entirely by executing
+ | touch \"$CONFDIR/.defaults/apps/vshelper/disabled\"
+* disable only this message by executing
+ | touch \"$CONFDIR/.defaults/apps/vshelper/warning-disabled\""
+ test -x "$solution_sysctl" || warning $"\
+* configure the util-vserver vshelper script, e.g. by adding
+ | kernel.vshelper = \"$_VSHELPER\"
+ to /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting the machine, or by executing
+ | echo \"$_VSHELPER\" >$proc_file"
+ warning ""
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+## Usage: vshelper.isEnabled [<style>] [<vserver>]
+function vshelper.isEnabled
+ local f=${1:+$1-}disabled
+ test ! -e "$CONFDIR"/.defaults/apps/vshelper/"$f" || return 1
+ $_VSERVER_INFO - FEATURE vshelper || return 1
+ if test "$2"; then
+ local appdir=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$2" APPDIR vshelper) || return 0
+ test -z "$2" -o ! -e "$appdir/$f" || return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+function vshelper._getHandlerInternal
+ local var=$1
+ local tmp
+ shift
+ shift ## HACK: see below the note about the 'set -u' mode
+ while test "$#" -ge 2; do
+ local mod=$1
+ local obj=$2
+ shift 2
+ test "$mod" "$obj" || continue
+ case "$mod" in
+ (-x)
+ eval $var=\$obj
+ ;;
+ (-e)
+ read tmp <"$obj"
+ eval $var=:\$tmp
+ ;;
+ (*) panic $"Internal error, unexpected modifier '$mod'"
+ esac
+ return 0
+ done
+ return 1
+## Usage: vshelper.getHandler <result-var> <vserver> <action>
+function vshelper.getHandler
+ local appdir=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$2" APPDIR vshelper) || appdir=
+ local script
+ declare -a search_list=( X )
+ ## HACK: when we are in 'set -u' mode, empty lists are causing errors
+ test -z "$appdir" || search_list=( "${search_list[@]}" -x "$appdir/$3" )
+ test -z "$appdir" || search_list=( "${search_list[@]}" -e "$appdir/action" )
+ search_list=( "${search_list[@]}" -x "$CONFDIR"/.defaults/apps/vshelper/"$3" )
+ search_list=( "${search_list[@]}" -e "$CONFDIR"/.defaults/apps/vshelper/action )
+ ! vshelper._getHandlerInternal "$1" "${search_list[@]}" || return 0
+ eval $1=':restart'
+## Usage: vshelper.init <vserver> [<method> <args>*]
+function vshelper.doInit
+ vshelper.isEnabled || return 0
+ local xid=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$1" CONTEXT false) || {
+ warning $"vshelper.init: can not determine xid of vserver '$vserver'"
+ return 1
+ }
+ local f="$VSHELPERSTATEDIR/$xid"
+ set -C
+ rm -f "$f"
+ echo "$1" >"$f"
+ set +C
+ if test "$2"; then
+ shift 1
+ local i
+ for i; do
+ echo "$i"
+ done
+ else
+ echo "default"
+ fi >>"$f"
+ return 0
+## Usage: vshelper.doDestroy <vserver> <xid>
+function vshelper.doDestroy
+ vshelper.isEnabled || return 0
+## Usage: vshelper.initSync <vserver> <pipe-varname>
+function vshelper.initSync
+ local tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/vserver-stop.XXXXXX) || {
+ warning $"Failed to generate temporary directory for vshelper sync"
+ return 1
+ }
+ local fifo="$tmpdir"/pipe
+ mkfifo -m700 "$fifo"
+ vshelper.doInit "$VSERVER_DIR" sync "$fifo"
+ eval $2=\$fifo
+## Usage: vshelper.getSyncTimeout <vserver> <varname>
+function vshelper.getSyncTimeout
+ local appdir=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$1" APPDIR vshelper) || appdir=
+ local file tmp
+ findFile file ${appdir:+"$appdir"/sync-timeout} "$CONFDIR"/.defaults/apps/vshelper/sync-timeout ''
+ test "$file" || return 1
+ read tmp <"$file"
+ eval $2=\$tmp