'nodev' instead of"
+ test ! -d "$cfgdir"/dlimits -o -L "$cfgdir/cache" || \
+ warning $"\
+WARNING: There is no cachedirectory configured for this vserver;
+ please create '$cfgdir/cache' e.g. by executing
+ ln -s ../.defaults/cachebase/$VSERVER_NAME $cfgdir/cache
find "$cfgdir" -type f -exec "$_CHECK_UNIXFILE" '{}' ';'
getFileValue inodes_total "$dlimit/inodes_total" || return 0
getFileValue reserved "$dlimit/reserved" || return 0
- local cachename=`echo "$ctx$directory" | $_SED 's!/!_!g'`
+ local cachename=$ctx$directory
+ cachename=dlimits/${cachename//\//_}
test -e "$vdir/cache/$cachename" && . "$vdir/cache/$cachename"
# Remove the cache so if the machine goes down unexpectedly, we won't have a stale cache
$_RM -f "$vdir/cache/$cachename"
if test -z "$inodes_used" -o -z "$space_used"; then
- space_used=` $_VDU --xid $ctx --space --script "$directory"`
- inodes_used=`$_VDU --xid $ctx --inodes --script "$directory"`
+ local tmpvdu
+ tmpvdu=`$_VDU --xid $ctx --space --inodes --script "$directory"`
+ inodes_used=${tmpvdu##* }
+ space_used=${tmpvdu%% *}
$_VDLIMIT --xid $ctx \
getFileValue ctx "$vdir/context"
getFileValue directory "$dlimit/directory" || return 0
- local cachename=`echo "$ctx$directory" | $_SED 's!/!_!g'`
+ local cachename=$ctx$directory
+ cachename=${cachename//\//_}
+ # Things are getting ugly here... LFS says that /var/cache (where
+ # cachename is usually pointing to) can vanish and applications
+ # have to deal with it. So, we have to interprete the $vdir/cache
+ # symlink and have to create the needed directories manually.
+ if test -d "$vdir/cache"; then
+ : # ok, exists already
+ elif test -L "$vdir/cache"; then
+ # it's a dangling symlink
+ local link
+ link=$($_READLINK "$vdir/cache")
+ ( cd $vdir && $_MKDIR -p "$link" )
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ test -d "$vdir/cache"
+ $_MKDIR -p "$vdir"/cache/dlimits
$_VDLIMIT --xid $ctx "$directory" | \
- $_GREP '_used=' > "$vdir/cache/$cachename"
+ $_GREP '_used=' > "$vdir/cache/dlimits/$cachename"