--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+: ${UTIL_VSERVER_VARS:=/usr/lib/util-vserver/util-vserver-vars}
+test -e "$UTIL_VSERVER_VARS" || {
+ echo "Can not find util-vserver installation; aborting..." >&2
+ exit 1
+function showHelp()
+ echo \
+$"Usage: $0 --externalize|--internalize [-y] [--] <vserver-name>
+Report bugs to <$PACKAGE_BUGREPORT>."
+ exit 0
+function showVersion()
+ echo $"\
+vpkg $PACKAGE_VERSION -- shows information about packages in vservers
+This program is part of $PACKAGE_STRING
+Copyright (C) 2004 Enrico Scholz
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no warranty."
+ exit 0
+function init()
+ if test -z "$WORKAROUND_106057"; then
+ rpmdb_mntpoint=/dev
+ else
+ rpmdb_mntpoint=/.rpmdb
+ fi
+ pkgmgmt.initVariables
+function _createDirs()
+ for i; do
+ test "$i" || continue
+ mkdir -p -m755 "$i"
+ done
+function _copySecure()
+ local chroot=$1
+ local srcdir=$2
+ local dstdir=$3
+ ( cd "$srcdir" && tar chf - '.' ) | \
+ ( cd "$chroot" && $_EXEC_CD "$dstdir" $_TAR xf - )
+function _copySecureRev()
+ local chroot=$1
+ local srcdir=$2
+ local dstdir=$3
+ ( cd "$chroot" && $_EXEC_CD "$srcdir" $_TAR cf - '.' ) | \
+ ( cd "$dstdir" && tar xf - )
+function _hashAuto()
+ local hash=$2
+ local dir=$(dirname "$1")
+ local file=$(basename "$1")
+ $_EXEC_CD "$dir" "$(which test)" "$file" || return 0
+ local tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/apt.conf.XXXXXX)
+ trap "rm -f $tmp" EXIT
+ $_EXEC_CD "$dir" /bin/cat "$file" | \
+ sed -e "s|^\([^$hash].*@autogenerated@\)|$hash$hash\1|" >$tmp
+ cat $tmp | $_EXEC_CD "$dir" "$(which cmp)" -s - "$file" || \
+ $_CHROOT_CAT "$1" <$tmp
+ rm -f $tmp
+function _unhashAuto()
+ test -e "$1" || return 0
+ local hash=$2
+ local tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/apt.conf.XXXXXX)
+ trap "rm -f $tmp" EXIT
+ sed -e "s|^$hash$hash\(.*@autogenerated@\)|\1|" "$1" >$tmp
+ cmp -s "$tmp" "$1" || \
+ cat "$tmp" >"$1"
+ rm -f $tmp
+function processVserver_RH()
+ local vserver=$1
+ local is_internalize=$2
+ local have_apt
+ local cfgdir
+ local i
+ cfgdir=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$vserver" APPDIR pkgmgmt) || \
+ cfgdir=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$vserver" APPDIR)/pkgmgmt
+ ## Figure out the environment....
+ if test "$is_internalize"; then
+ have_apt=1
+ test -d "$cfgdir"/base/apt -o -d "$cfgdir"/aptetc || have_apt=
+ else
+ have_apt=
+ for i in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin; do
+ test ! -x "$vdir$i"/apt-get || { have_apt=1; break; }
+ done
+ fi
+ local APTETCDIR=
+ local RPMETCDIR=
+ ## Create directories and assign variables where configuration
+ ## can/will be found on the host
+ if test "$is_internalize"; then
+ pushd "$vdir" >/dev/null
+ test ! -L var/lib/rpm || {
+ $_EXEC_CD /var/lib /bin/rm rpm &&
+ $_EXEC_CD /var/lib /bin/mkdir -m755 rpm &&
+ $_EXEC_CD /var/lib /bin/chown rpm:rpm rpm ||
+ :
+ } </dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ for i in var/cache/apt/{,archives/{,partial},genpkglist,gensrclist} \
+ var/state/{,apt/{,lists/{,partial}}} \
+ etc/apt etc/rpm; do
+ test -d "$i" ||
+ $_EXEC_CD /$(dirname "$i") /bin/mkdir -m755 $(basename "$i") || :
+ done #2>/dev/null
+ popd >/dev/null
+ if test "$have_apt"; then
+ findDir APTETCDIR "$cfgdir"/aptetc "$cfgdir"/base/apt/etc /etc/apt /
+ fi
+ findDir RPMETCDIR "$cfgdir"/rpmetc "$cfgdir"/base/rpm/etc /etc/rpm /
+ findDir RPMSTATEDIR "$cfgdir"/rpmstate "$cfgdir"/base/rpm/state
+ else
+ mkdir -m755 -p "$cfgdir"
+ local need_base=
+ if test "$have_apt"; then
+ findDir APTETCDIR "$cfgdir"/aptetc "$cfgdir"/base/apt/etc /
+ findDir APTSTATEDIR "$cfgdir"/aptstate "$cfgdir"/base/apt/state /
+ findDir APTCACHEDIR "$cfgdir"/aptcache "$cfgdir"/base/apt/cache /
+ findDir APTARCHIVDIR "$cfgdir"/aptarchives "$cfgdir"/base/apt/archives /
+ test "$APTETCDIR" != / || APTETCDIR=$cfgdir/base/apt/etc
+ test "$APTSTATEDIR" != / || APTSTATEDIR=$cfgdir/base/apt/state
+ test "$APTCACHEDIR" != / || APTCACHEDIR=$cfgdir/base/apt/cache
+ test "$APTARCHIVDIR" != / || APTARCHIVDIR=$cfgdir/base/apt/archive
+ test -d "$cfgdir"/aptetc -a -d "$cfgdir"/aptstate -a \
+ -d "$cfgdir"/aptcache -a -d "$cfgdir"/aptarchives || need_base=1
+ fi
+ findDir RPMETCDIR "$cfgdir"/rpmetc "$cfgdir"/base/rpm/etc /
+ findDir RPMSTATEDIR "$cfgdir"/rpmstate "$cfgdir"/base/rpm/state /
+ test "$RPMETCDIR" != / || RPMETCDIR=$cfgdir/base/rpm/etc
+ test "$RPMSTATEDIR" != / || RPMSTATEDIR=$cfgdir/base/rpm/state
+ test -d "$cfgdir"/rpmetc -a -d "$cfgdir"/rpmstate || need_base=1
+ test ! -e "$cfgdir"/base || need_base=
+ test -z "$need_base" || ln -s "$PKGCFGDIR" "$cfgdir"/base
+ mkdir -m755 -p "$PKGCFGDIR"
+ fi
+ ## Copy the files...
+ if test "$is_internalize"; then
+ if test "$have_apt"; then
+ _copySecure "$vdir" "$APTETCDIR" /etc/apt
+ pushd "$vdir" >/dev/null
+ _hashAuto /etc/apt/apt.conf '/'
+ popd >/dev/null
+ fi
+ _copySecure "$vdir" "$RPMETCDIR" /etc/rpm
+ _copySecure "$vdir" "$RPMSTATEDIR" /var/lib/rpm
+ else
+ if test "$have_apt"; then
+ _copySecureRev "$vdir" /etc/apt "$APTETCDIR"
+ _unhashAuto "$APTETCDIR"/apt.conf '/'
+ fi
+ _copySecureRev "$vdir" /etc/rpm "$RPMETCDIR"
+ _copySecureRev "$vdir" /var/lib/rpm "$RPMSTATEDIR"
+ fi
+ ## Cleanups...
+ if test "$is_internalize"; then
+ :
+ else
+ tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /var/tmp/pgmgmt.XXXXXX)
+ trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT
+ pushd "$vdir" >/dev/null
+ $_EXEC_CD /var/lib /bin/mv rpm $tmpdir/
+ $_EXEC_CD /var/lib /bin/ln -s "$rpmdb_mntpoint" rpm
+ rm -rf $tmpdir
+ fi
+ ## Finish it...
+ if test "$is_internalize"; then
+ touch "$cfgdir"/internal
+ else
+ rm -f "$cfgdir"/internal
+ fi
+function processVserver_Debian()
+ local vserver=$1
+ local is_internalize=$2
+ if test "$is_internalize"; then
+ echo $"Debian vservers should be internalized everytime; do not know how to handle '$vserver'" >&2
+ else
+ echo $"External packagemanagement is not supported for Debian vserver" >&2
+ fi
+ return 1
+function processVserver()
+ local vserver=$1
+ local is_external=
+ local skip=1
+ local vdir
+ ! $_VSERVER_INFO -q "$vserver" RUNNING || {
+ echo $"Can not operate on running vservers; please stop '$vserver' and retry again..."
+ return 1
+ } >&2
+ vdir=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$vserver" VDIR) && test -d "$vdir" || {
+ echo $"Vserver '$vserver' does not seem to exist; skipping it..."
+ return 1
+ } >&2
+ pkgmgmt.isInternal "$vserver" || is_external=1
+ case "$is_external"X"$IS_INTERNALIZE"X"$IS_EXTERNALIZE" in
+ (*X1X1) echo $"Can not externalize and internalize at the same time";;
+ (*XX) echo $"No operation specified; try '--help' for more information";;
+ (1XX1) echo $"Vserver '$vserver' has already external packagemanagment; skipping it...";;
+ (X1X) echo $"Vserver '$vserver' has already internal packagemanagment; skipping it...";;
+ (*) skip=
+ esac >&2
+ test -z "$skip" || return 1
+ local style
+ pkgmgmt.guessStyle "$vserver" style || return 1
+ case "$style" in
+ (redhat|mandrake) processVserver_RH "$vserver" "$IS_INTERNALIZE";;
+ (debian) processVserver_Debian "$vserver" "$IS_INTERNALIZE";;
+ (*)
+ echo $"Vserver style '$style' is not supported for packagemanagment" >&2
+ return 1
+ esac
+tmp=$(getopt -o y --long debug,externalize,internalize,help,version -n "$0" -- "$@") || exit 1
+eval set -- "$tmp"
+while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ (--help) showHelp $0;;
+ (--version) showVersion;;
+ (--debug) set -x;;
+ (--externalize) IS_EXTERNALIZE=1;;
+ (--internalize) IS_INTERNALIZE=1;;
+ (-y) IS_YES=1;;
+ (--) shift; break;;
+ (*) echo $"vserver: internal error; arg=='$1'" >&2; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ shift
+test "$1" || {
+ echo $"No vserver specified; try '--help' for more information"
+ exit 1
+} >&2
+set -e
+for i; do
+ processVserver "$i" && passed=1 || ok=
+test -z "$ok" || exit 0
+test -z "$passed" || exit 1
+exit 2