// $Id$
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>
+// Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Enrico Scholz <enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>
// based on chcontext.cc by Jacques Gelinas
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# include <config.h>
-#include "compat.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "vserver.h"
+#include "wrappers.h"
+#include "wrappers-vserver.h"
+#include "internal.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <assert.h>
-#include "vserver.h"
+#define CMD_HELP 0x1000
+#define CMD_VERSION 0x1001
+#define CMD_CAP 0x4000
+#define CMD_CTX 0x4001
+#define CMD_DISCONNECT 0x4002
+#define CMD_DOMAINNAME 0x4003
+#define CMD_FLAG 0x4004
+#define CMD_HOSTNAME 0x4005
+#define CMD_SECURE 0x4006
+#define CMD_SILENT 0x4007
+int wrapper_exit_code = 255;
+struct option const
+ { "help", no_argument, 0, CMD_HELP },
+ { "version", no_argument, 0, CMD_VERSION },
+ { "cap", required_argument, 0, CMD_CAP },
+ { "ctx", required_argument, 0, CMD_CTX },
+ { "disconnect", no_argument, 0, CMD_DISCONNECT },
+ { "domainname", required_argument, 0, CMD_DOMAINNAME },
+ { "flag", required_argument, 0, CMD_FLAG },
+ { "hostname", required_argument, 0, CMD_HOSTNAME },
+ { "secure", no_argument, 0, CMD_SECURE },
+ { "silent", no_argument, 0, CMD_SILENT },
+ { 0,0,0,0 }
+struct Arguments {
+ size_t nbctx;
+ xid_t ctxs[16];
+ bool do_disconnect;
+ bool do_silent;
+ unsigned int flags;
+ uint32_t remove_caps;
+ uint32_t add_caps;
+ char const * hostname;
+ char const * domainname;
+static struct Arguments const * global_args = 0;
+static void
+showHelp(int fd, char const *cmd, int res)
+ WRITE_MSG(fd, "Usage: ");
+ WRITE_STR(fd, cmd);
+ " [--cap [!]<cap_name>] [--secure] [--ctx <num>] [--disconnect]\n"
+ " [--domainname <name>] [--hostname <name>] [--flag <flags>+]\n"
+ " [--silent] [--] command arguments ...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chcontext allocate a new security context and executes\n"
+ "a command in that context.\n"
+ "By default, a new/unused context is allocated\n"
+ "\n"
+ "--cap CAP_NAME\n"
+ " Add a capability from the command. This option may be\n"
+ " repeated several time.\n"
+ " See /usr/include/linux/capability.h\n"
+ " In general, this option is used with the --secure option\n"
+ " --secure removes most critical capabilities and --cap\n"
+ " adds specific ones.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "--cap !CAP_NAME\n"
+ " Remove a capability from the command. This option may be\n"
+ " repeated several time.\n"
+ " See /usr/include/linux/capability.h\n"
+ "\n"
+ "--ctx num\n"
+ " Select the context. On root in context 0 is allowed to\n"
+ " select a specific context.\n"
+ " Context number 1 is special. It can see all processes\n"
+ " in any contexts, but can't kill them though.\n"
+ " Option --ctx may be repeated several times to specify up to 16 contexts.\n"
+ "--disconnect\n"
+ " Start the command in background and make the process\n"
+ " a child of process 1.\n"
+ "--domainname new_domainname\n"
+ " Set the domainname (NIS) in the new security context.\n"
+ " Use \"none\" to unset the domain name.\n"
+ "--flag\n"
+ " Set one flag in the new or current security context. The following\n"
+ " flags are supported. The option may be used several time.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " fakeinit: The new process will believe it is process number 1.\n"
+ " Useful to run a real /sbin/init in a vserver.\n"
+ " lock: The new process is trapped and can't use chcontext anymore.\n"
+ " sched: The new process and its children will share a common \n"
+ " execution priority.\n"
+ " nproc: Limit the number of process in the vserver according to\n"
+ " ulimit setting. Normally, ulimit is a per user thing.\n"
+ " With this flag, it becomes a per vserver thing.\n"
+ " private: No one can join this security context once created.\n"
+ " ulimit: Apply the current ulimit to the whole context\n"
+ "--hostname new_hostname\n"
+ " Set the hostname in the new security context\n"
+ " This is need because if you create a less privileged\n"
+ " security context, it may be unable to change its hostname\n"
+ "--secure\n"
+ " Remove all the capabilities to make a virtual server trustable\n"
+ "--silent\n"
+ " Do not print the allocated context number.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Please report bugs to " PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "\n");
+ exit(res);
+static void
+ "chcontext " VERSION " -- allocates/enters a security context\n"
+ "This program is part of " PACKAGE_STRING "\n\n"
+ "Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Enrico Scholz\n"
+ exit(0);
+static inline void
+setCap(char const *str, uint32_t *add_caps, uint32_t *remove_caps)
+ uint32_t *cap;
+ int bit;
+ if (str[0] != '!')
+ cap = add_caps;
+ else {
+ cap = remove_caps;
+ str++;
+ }
+ bit = vc_text2cap(str);
+ if (bit!=-1) *cap |= (1<<bit);
+ else {
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "Unknown capability '");
+ WRITE_STR(2, str);
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "'\n");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+static inline void
+setFlags(char const *str, uint32_t *flags)
+ for (;;) {
+ char const *ptr = strchr(str, ',');
+ size_t cnt = ptr ? (size_t)(ptr-str) : strlen(str);
+ if (strncmp(str, "lock", cnt)==0) *flags |= S_CTX_INFO_LOCK;
+ else if (strncmp(str, "sched", cnt)==0) *flags |= S_CTX_INFO_SCHED;
+ else if (strncmp(str, "nproc", cnt)==0) *flags |= S_CTX_INFO_NPROC;
+ else if (strncmp(str, "private", cnt)==0) *flags |= S_CTX_INFO_PRIVATE;
+ else if (strncmp(str, "fakeinit", cnt)==0) *flags |= S_CTX_INFO_INIT;
+ else if (strncmp(str, "hideinfo", cnt)==0) *flags |= S_CTX_INFO_HIDEINFO;
+ else if (strncmp(str, "ulimit", cnt)==0) *flags |= S_CTX_INFO_ULIMIT;
+ else {
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "Unknown flag '");
+ write(2, str, cnt);
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "'\n");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ if (ptr==0) break;
+ str = ptr+1;
+ }
+static inline ALWAYSINLINE void
+setHostname(char const *name)
+ if (name == NULL) return;
+ if (vc_set_vhi_name(VC_SAMECTX, vcVHI_NODENAME, name, strlen(name))==-1) {
+ perror("setHostname()");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ if (!global_args->do_silent) {
+ WRITE_MSG(1, "Host name is now ");
+ WRITE_STR(1, name);
+ WRITE_MSG(1, "\n");
+ }
+static inline ALWAYSINLINE void
+setDomainname(char const *name)
+ if (name == NULL) return;
+ if (vc_set_vhi_name(VC_SAMECTX, vcVHI_DOMAINNAME, name, strlen(name))==-1) {
+ perror("setDomainname()");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ if (!global_args->do_silent) {
+ WRITE_MSG(1, "Domain name is now ");
+ WRITE_STR(1, name);
+ WRITE_MSG(1, "\n");
+ }
-static void usage()
+static inline ALWAYSINLINE void
+tellContext(xid_t ctx)
- fprintf (stderr,"chcontext version %s\n",VERSION);
- fprintf (stderr
- ,"chcontext [ options ] command arguments ...\n"
- "\n"
- "chcontext allocate a new security context and executes\n"
- "a command in that context.\n"
- "By default, a new/unused context is allocated\n"
- "\n"
- "--cap CAP_NAME\n"
- "\tAdd a capability from the command. This option may be\n"
- "\trepeated several time.\n"
- "\tSee /usr/include/linux/capability.h\n"
- "\tIn general, this option is used with the --secure option\n"
- "\t--secure removes most critical capabilities and --cap\n"
- "\tadds specific ones.\n"
- "\n"
- "--cap !CAP_NAME\n"
- "\tRemove a capability from the command. This option may be\n"
- "\trepeated several time.\n"
- "\tSee /usr/include/linux/capability.h\n"
- "\n"
- "--ctx num\n"
- "\tSelect the context. On root in context 0 is allowed to\n"
- "\tselect a specific context.\n"
- "\tContext number 1 is special. It can see all processes\n"
- "\tin any contexts, but can't kill them though.\n"
- "\tOption --ctx may be repeated several times to specify up to 16 contexts.\n"
- "--disconnect\n"
- "\tStart the command in background and make the process\n"
- "\ta child of process 1.\n"
- "--domainname new_domainname\n"
- "\tSet the domainname (NIS) in the new security context.\n"
- "\tUse \"none\" to unset the domain name.\n"
- "--flag\n"
- "\tSet one flag in the new or current security context. The following\n"
- "\tflags are supported. The option may be used several time.\n"
- "\n"
- "\tfakeinit: The new process will believe it is process number 1.\n"
- " Useful to run a real /sbin/init in a vserver.\n"
- "\tlock: The new process is trapped and can't use chcontext anymore.\n"
- "\tsched: The new process and its children will share a common \n"
- " execution priority.\n"
- "\tnproc: Limit the number of process in the vserver according to\n"
- " ulimit setting. Normally, ulimit is a per user thing.\n"
- " With this flag, it becomes a per vserver thing.\n"
- "\tprivate: No one can join this security context once created.\n"
- "\tulimit: Apply the current ulimit to the whole context\n"
- "--hostname new_hostname\n"
- "\tSet the hostname in the new security context\n"
- "\tThis is need because if you create a less privileged\n"
- "\tsecurity context, it may be unable to change its hostname\n"
- "--secure\n"
- "\tRemove all the capabilities to make a virtual server trustable\n"
- "--silent\n"
- "\tDo not print the allocated context number.\n"
- "\n"
- "Information about context is found in /proc/self/status\n");
+ char buf[sizeof(xid_t)*3+2];
+ size_t l;
+ if (global_args->do_silent) return;
+ l = utilvserver_fmt_long(buf,ctx);
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "New security context is ");
+ write(2, buf, l);
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "\n");
+static inline ALWAYSINLINE int
+initSync(int p[2])
+ if (!global_args->do_disconnect) return 0;
+ Epipe(p);
+ fcntl(p[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ return Efork();
+static inline ALWAYSINLINE void
+doSyncStage1(int p[2])
+ int fd;
+ if (!global_args->do_disconnect) return;
+ fd = Eopen("/dev/null", O_RDONLY, 0);
+ Esetsid();
+ Edup2(fd, 0);
+ Eclose(p[0]);
+ if (fd!=0) Eclose(fd);
+ Ewrite(p[1], ".", 1);
+static inline ALWAYSINLINE void
+doSyncStage2(int p[2])
+ if (!global_args->do_disconnect) return;
+ Ewrite(p[1], "X", 1);
+static void
+waitOnSync(pid_t pid, int p[2])
+ int c;
+ size_t l;
+ assert(global_args->do_disconnect);
+ assert(pid!=0);
+ Eclose(p[1]);
+ l = Eread(p[0], &c, 1);
+ if (l!=1) exitLikeProcess(pid);
+ l = Eread(p[0], &c, 1);
+ if (l!=0) exitLikeProcess(pid);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- int ret = -1;
- int i;
- int nbctx = 0;
- int ctxs[16];
- int disconnect = 0;
- int silent = 0;
- int flags = 0;
- unsigned remove_cap = 0;
- unsigned add_cap = 0;
- unsigned long secure = ( ( 1<<VC_CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE)
- |(1<<VC_CAP_NET_RAW)
- |(1<<VC_CAP_MKNOD)
- const char *hostname=NULL, *domainname=NULL;
- for (i=1; i<argc; i++){
- const char *arg = argv[i];
- const char *opt = argv[i+1];
- if (strcmp(arg,"--ctx")==0){
- if (nbctx >= 16){
- fprintf (stderr,"Too many context, max 16, ignored.\n");
- }else{
- ctxs[nbctx++] = atoi(opt);
- }
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(arg,"--disconnect")==0){
- disconnect = 1;
- }else if (strcmp(arg,"--silent")==0){
- silent = 1;
- }else if (strcmp(arg,"--flag")==0){
- if (strcmp(opt,"lock")==0){
- flags |= 1;
- }else if (strcmp(opt,"sched")==0){
- flags |= 2;
- }else if (strcmp(opt,"nproc")==0){
- flags |= 4;
- }else if (strcmp(opt,"private")==0){
- flags |= 8;
- }else if (strcmp(opt,"fakeinit")==0){
- flags |= 16;
- }else if (strcmp(opt,"hideinfo")==0){
- flags |= 32;
- }else if (strcmp(opt,"ulimit")==0){
- flags |= 64;
- }else{
- fprintf (stderr,"Unknown flag %s\n",opt);
- }
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(arg,"--cap")==0){
- unsigned *cap = &add_cap;
- int bit;
- if (opt[0] == '!'){
- cap = &remove_cap;
- opt++;
- }
- bit = vc_text2cap(opt);
- if (bit!=-1) *cap |= (1<<bit);
- else {
- fprintf (stderr,"Unknown capability %s\n",opt);
- }
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(arg,"--secure")==0){
- remove_cap |= secure;
- }else if (strcmp(arg,"--hostname")==0){
- hostname = opt;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(arg,"--domainname")==0){
- if (opt != NULL && strcmp(opt,"none")==0) opt = "";
- domainname = opt;
- i++;
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == argc){
- usage();
- }else if (argv[i][0] == '-'){
- usage();
- }else{
- /*
- We must fork early because fakeinit set the current
- process as the special init process
- */
- if (disconnect == 0 || fork()==0){
- int newctx;
- int xflags = flags & 16;
- if (nbctx == 0) ctxs[nbctx++] = -1;
- newctx = vc_new_s_context(ctxs[0],0,flags&~16);
- if (newctx != -1){
- if (hostname != NULL){
- if (sethostname (hostname,strlen(hostname))==-1){
- fprintf (stderr,"Can't set the host name (%s)\n"
- ,strerror(errno));
- }else if (!silent){
- printf ("Host name is now %s\n",hostname);
- }
- }
- if (domainname != NULL){
- setdomainname (domainname,strlen(domainname));
- if (!silent){
- printf ("Domain name is now %s\n",domainname);
- }
- }
- remove_cap &= (~add_cap);
- if (remove_cap!=0 || xflags!=0)
- vc_new_s_context (-2,remove_cap,xflags);
- if (!silent){
- printf ("New security context is %d\n"
- ,ctxs[0] == -1 ? newctx : ctxs[0]);
- }
- execvp (argv[i],argv+i);
- fprintf (stderr,"Can't exec %s (%s)\n",argv[i]
- ,strerror(errno));
- }else{
- perror ("Can't set the new security context\n");
- }
- if (disconnect != 0) _exit(0);
- }
+ struct Arguments args = {
+ .nbctx = 0,
+ .do_disconnect = false,
+ .do_silent = false,
+ .flags = 0,
+ .remove_caps = 0,
+ .add_caps = 0,
+ .hostname = 0,
+ .domainname = 0
+ };
+ xid_t newctx;
+ int xflags;
+ int p[2];
+ pid_t pid;
+ global_args = &args;
+ while (1) {
+ int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "+", CMDLINE_OPTIONS, 0);
+ if (c==-1) break;
+ switch (c) {
+ case CMD_HELP : showHelp(1, argv[0], 0);
+ case CMD_VERSION : showVersion();
+ case CMD_DISCONNECT : args.do_disconnect = true; break;
+ case CMD_SILENT : args.do_silent = true; break;
+ case CMD_DOMAINNAME : args.domainname = optarg; break;
+ case CMD_HOSTNAME : args.hostname = optarg; break;
+ case CMD_CAP :
+ setCap(optarg, &args.add_caps, &args.remove_caps);
+ break;
+ case CMD_SECURE :
+ args.remove_caps |= vc_get_securecaps();
+ break;
+ case CMD_FLAG :
+ setFlags(optarg, &args.flags);
+ break;
+ case CMD_CTX :
+ if (args.nbctx>0)
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "WARNING: More than one ctx not supported by this version\n");
+ if (args.nbctx>=DIM_OF(args.ctxs)) {
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "Too many contexts given\n");
+ exit(255);
- return ret;
+ args.ctxs[args.nbctx++] = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ default :
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "Try '");
+ WRITE_STR(2, argv[0]);
+ WRITE_MSG(2, " --help\" for more information.\n");
+ return 255;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (optind>=argc) {
+ WRITE_MSG(2, "No command given; use '--help' for more information.\n");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ if (args.domainname && strcmp(args.domainname, "none")==0)
+ args.domainname = "";
+ if (args.nbctx == 0)
+ args.ctxs[args.nbctx++] = VC_RANDCTX;
+ xflags = args.flags & 16;
+ newctx = Evc_new_s_context(args.ctxs[0],0,args.flags&~16);
+ args.remove_caps &= (~args.add_caps);
+ setHostname(args.hostname);
+ setDomainname(args.domainname);
+ pid = initSync(p);
+ if (pid==0) {
+ if (args.remove_caps!=0 || xflags!=0)
+ Evc_new_s_context (VC_SAMECTX,args.remove_caps,xflags);
+ tellContext(args.ctxs[0]==VC_RANDCTX ? newctx : args.ctxs[0]);
+ doSyncStage1(p);
+ execvp (argv[optind],argv+optind);
+ doSyncStage2(p);
+ perror("execvp()");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ waitOnSync(pid, p);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+#define FLAG_TEST(STR,EXP) \
+ { \
+ uint32_t flag=0; \
+ setFlags(STR, &flag); \
+ assert(flag==(EXP)); \
+ }
+ { \
+ uint32_t add=0,del=0; \
+ setCap(STR, &add, &del); \
+ assert(add==(EXP_ADD)); \
+ assert(del==(EXP_DEL)); \
+ }
+ FLAG_TEST("lock", 1);
+ FLAG_TEST("lock,sched", 3);
+ CAP_TEST("CHOWN", 1, 0);
+ CAP_TEST("CAP_CHOWN", 1, 0);
+ CAP_TEST("!CHOWN", 0, 1);
+ CAP_TEST("!CAP_CHOWN", 0, 1);