## --with xalan ... require/use the xalan xslt processor
## --without doc ... disable doc generation
## --with legacy ... enable the legacy APIs
+## --without python ... disable the Python bindings
%global confdir %_sysconfdir/vservers
%global confdefaultdir %confdir/.defaults
%global subver %( s=`echo %fullver | grep -- - | sed 's/.*-/./'`; echo ${s:-.1} )
+# Mandriva does funky stuff that break us.
+%if %{?mandriva_release:1}%{!?mandriva_release:0}
+%global mandriva 1
+%global _disable_libtoolize 1
+%global _disable_ld_as_needed 1
+%global _disable_ld_no_undefined 1
+%global before_configure \
+ %setup_compile_flags \
%{!?release_func:%global release_func() %1%{?dist}}
Summary: Linux virtual server utilities
Requires: diffutils mktemp sed
Provides: vserver = %version-%release
Obsoletes: vserver < %version
-BuildRequires: mount vconfig gawk iproute iptables
+BuildRequires: mount vconfig gawk /sbin/ip iptables
BuildRequires: gcc-c++ wget which diffutils
BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel e2fsprogs
%{!?_without_beecrypt:BuildRequires: beecrypt-devel}