--- /dev/null
+# This module is used to create a new virtual private server
+# This module may be use inside linuxconf
+# Do linuxconf --modulemain shellmod --setmod @SBINDIR@/newvserver
+# Load shellmod support function
+. /usr/lib/linuxconf/lib/shellmod-lib.sh
+ cat <<-EOF >&2
+newvserver [ options ]
+ Interactive utility to create vservers.
+ --name: Set the name of the new vserver.
+ --desc: Set the description.
+ --unify 1/0: Turn on unification on and off.
+ --hostname: Set the host name of the new vserver
+ --ip: Set the IP number(s)
+ --ondev: Install the IP numbers as IP aliases on device.
+ --clone: Create the vserver from another one or a distribution CD.
+The distribution CD are identified by special strings:
+ #rh9.0m: RedHat 9 minimal
+ #rh9.0f: RedHat 9 complete first CD
+ #rh8.0m: RedHat 8 minimal
+ #rh8.0f: RedHat 8 complete first CD
+ #rh7.3m: RedHat 7.3 minimal
+ #rh7.3f: RedHat 7.3 complete first CD
+ #rh7.2m: RedHat 7.2 minimal
+ #rh7.2f: RedHat 7.2 complete first CD
+ qecho regmenu main MENU_MISCSERV "Create a new vserver"
+ LEN=`echo -n $1 | wc -c`
+ SMALL=`expr $LEN \<= 10`
+ if [ "$SMALL" = "1" ] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+ case $1 in
+ *\.*)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 1
+ case $1 in
+ *\.*\.*\.*)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 1
+ if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ return 0
+# Tell the user to mount the CD
+ echo defval s1 "Make sure the $1"
+ echo defval s1 "is mounted on /mnt/cdrom"
+ echo defval s1
+ echo defval s1 "Execute \"mount /mnt/cdrom\" if not"
+ echo notice =s1
+# Set a fake fstab and mtab in a vserver
+# $1 is the vserver path (/vserver/id)
+ mkdir -p $1/etc
+ echo /dev/hdv1 / ext2 defaults 1 1 >$1/etc/fstab
+ echo /dev/hdv1 / ext2 rw 1 1 >$1/etc/mtab
+# Show a progress bar during installation
+# The sub-process sends the number of output line first, then the lines
+ LOG=$1
+ title=$2
+ desc=$3
+ shift; shift; shift
+ $* |
+ (
+ >$LOG
+ read SIZE rest
+ qecho DIALOG
+ qecho settype DIATYPE_POPUP
+ qecho newf_str p1 "Package"
+ qecho newf_gauge s1 "$desc" 0 $SIZE
+ qecho show "$title" "$SIZE $rest"
+ nb=0
+ while read pkg line
+ do
+ nb=`expr $nb + 1`
+ printf "%-20s %s\n" $pkg $line >>$LOG
+ qecho newf_str p1 "Package" "$pkg"
+ qecho newf_gauge s1 "$desc" $nb $SIZE
+ qecho show "$title" "$SIZE $rest"
+ done
+ qecho end
+ )
+# install some packages with a progress bar
+ LOG=$1
+ shift
+ execprogress $LOG "Installing" "Packages installed" $*
+# Point d'entré du module
+ name=
+ desc=
+ clone=/
+ unify=1
+ hostname=
+ ip=
+ ondev=eth0
+ if [ -f /etc/vservers/newvserver.defaults ] ; then
+ source /etc/vservers/newvserver.defaults
+ fi
+ while [ "$1" != "" ]
+ do
+ case $1 in
+ --help)
+ usage
+ exit
+ ;;
+ --name)
+ name=$2
+ shift; shift
+ ;;
+ --desc)
+ desc=$2
+ shift; shift
+ ;;
+ --unify)
+ unify=$2
+ shift; shift
+ ;;
+ --hostname)
+ hostname=$2
+ shift; shift
+ ;;
+ --ip)
+ ip="$2"
+ shift; shift
+ ;;
+ --ondev)
+ ondev=$2
+ shift; shift
+ ;;
+ --clone)
+ clone=$2
+ shift; shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ qecho error "Invalid option $1"
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ done
+ qecho DIALOG
+ qecho newf_title top 1 top
+ qecho newf_str name "Vserver name (max 10 chars)" $name
+ qecho newf_str desc "Vserver description" "$desc"
+ qecho newf_list clone "Clone vserver" $clone
+ for conf in /etc/vservers/*.conf
+ do
+ case $conf in
+ /etc/vservers/\*.conf)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ DESC=`grep "# Description:" $conf | ( read a b c; echo $c)`
+ qecho listitem `basename $conf .conf` "$DESC"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ qecho listitem / "Root server"
+ qecho listitem "#rh9.0m" "From RedHat 9.0 CDrom/Minimal"
+ qecho listitem "#rh9.0f" "From RedHat 9.0 CDrom/Full"
+ qecho listitem "#rh8.0m" "From RedHat 8.0 CDrom/Minimal"
+ qecho listitem "#rh8.0f" "From RedHat 8.0 CDrom/Full"
+ qecho listitem "#rh7.3m" "From RedHat 7.3 CDrom/Minimal"
+ qecho listitem "#rh7.3f" "From RedHat 7.3 CDrom/Full"
+ qecho listitem "#rh7.2" "From RedHat 7.2 CDrom"
+ #qecho listitem "#mdk8.2m" "From Mandrake 8.2 CDrom/Minimal"
+ #qecho listitem "#mdk8.2f" "From Mandrake 8.2 CDrom/Full"
+ qecho newf_chk unify "Unified mode" 1 "Share disk space" $unify
+ qecho newf_title Networking 1 Networking
+ qecho newf_str hostname "Host name" $hostname
+ qecho newf_info "" "Up to 16 IP numbers"
+ qecho newf_str ip "IP number(s)" "$ip"
+ qecho newf_str ondev "Install IP on device" $ondev
+ qecho newf_title Authentication 1 Authentication
+ qecho newf_pass pass1 "Root password"
+ qecho newf_pass pass2 "Root password (retype)"
+ qecho newf_chk usemd5 "Password format" 1 "Use MD5"
+ qecho newf_chk useshadow "Password location" 1 "/etc/shadow"
+ qecho newf_title NIS/LDAP 1 NIS/LDAP
+ qecho newf_str nisserver "NIS server"
+ qecho newf_str domainname "NIS domainname"
+ qecho newf_str ldapserver "LDAP server"
+ qecho newf_str ldapbasedn "LDAP base dn"
+ qecho newf_title Services 1 Services
+ qecho newf_chk crond "crond" 1 "Scheduled tasks"
+ qecho newf_chk httpd "httpd" 0 "Web server"
+ qecho newf_chk sshd "sshd" 1 "Secure shell server"
+ qecho newf_chk cleansshd "" 1 "Redo sshd server keys"
+ qecho newf_chk syslog "syslog" 1 "Message logger"
+ qecho newf_chk xinetd "xinetd" 0 "On demand inet service"
+ qecho newf_chk nscd "nscd" 0 "Name service cache daemon"
+ qecho newf_title "Backup profile" 1 "Backup profile"
+ qecho newf_str bkhostname "Host name"
+ qecho newf_info "" "Up to 16 IP numbers"
+ qecho newf_str bkip "IP number(s)"
+ qecho newf_str bkondev "Install IP on device" eth0
+ qecho newf_title Extra 1 Extra
+ qecho newf_chk onboot "Start server" 0 "at boot time"
+ qecho newf_str priority "Start priority" 100
+ qecho newf_str nice "Nice level"
+ qecho newf_info "Available flags" "lock nproc sched hideinfo private"
+ qecho newf_str flags "Flags" "lock nproc"
+ qecho newf_str ulimit "Vserver ulimit" "-H -u 1000"
+ qecho newf_title "Shared directories" 1 "Shared directories"
+ qecho newf_str dir1 "Directory"
+ qecho newf_str dir2 "Directory"
+ qecho newf_str dir3 "Directory"
+ qecho newf_str dir4 "Directory"
+ qecho newf_title "Excluded directories" 1 "Excluded directories"
+ qecho newf_info "" "Won't copy files in those directories"
+ qecho newf_str exdir1 "Directory" "/var/log"
+ qecho newf_str exdir2 "Directory" "/var/run"
+ qecho newf_str exdir3 "Directory" "/var/spool/mail"
+ qecho newf_str exdir4 "Directory" "/tmp"
+ qecho newf_str exdir5 "Directory" ""
+ qecho newf_str exdir6 "Directory" ""
+ while true
+ do
+ qecho edit "Vserver basic setup"
+ dispatch
+ if [ $CODE != "accept" ] ; then
+ break
+ elif ! check_name $name ; then
+ qecho error "You must provide a name (10 chars max)"
+ elif ! check_hostname $hostname ; then
+ qecho error "You must provide a valid/fully qualified host name"
+ elif ! check_ip $ip ; then
+ qecho error "You must provide a valid IP number"
+ elif ! check_device $ondev ; then
+ qecho error "You must provide a valid network device"
+ elif [ "$pass1" != "" -a "$pass1" != "$pass2" ] ; then
+ echo defval s1 The two passwords differ.
+ echo defval s1 You must re-enter the root password.
+ echo error =s1
+ else
+ STARTTIME=`date +%s`
+ if [ "$onboot" = "1" ] ; then
+ ONBOOT=yes
+ fi
+ VROOT=/vservers/$name
+ CONF=/etc/vservers/$name.conf
+ $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-pre.sh $name
+ rm -f $CONF >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ echo "# Description: $desc" >>$CONF
+ echo >>$CONF
+ echo "if [ \"$PROFILE\" = \"\" ]; then" >>$CONF
+ echo " PROFILE=prod" >>$CONF
+ echo "fi" >>$CONF
+ echo "case \$PROFILE in" >>$CONF
+ echo "prod)" >>$CONF
+ echo " # Select the IP number(s) assigned to the virtual server" >>$CONF
+ echo " # These IPs will be defined as IP alias" >>$CONF
+ echo " # The alias will be setup on IPROOTDEV" >>$CONF
+ echo " # You can specify the device if needed" >>$CONF
+ echo " # IPROOT=\"eth0: eth1:\" " >>$CONF
+ echo " IPROOT=\"$ip\"" >>$CONF
+ echo " # You can define on which device the IP alias will be done" >>$CONF
+ echo " # The IP alias will be set when the server is started and unset" >>$CONF
+ echo " # when the server is stopped" >>$CONF
+ echo " # The netmask and broadcast are computed by default from IPROOTDEV" >>$CONF
+ echo " #IPROOTMASK=" >>$CONF
+ echo " #IPROOTBCAST=" >>$CONF
+ echo " IPROOTDEV=$ondev" >>$CONF
+ echo " # You can set a different host name for the vserver" >>$CONF
+ echo " # If empty, the host name of the main server is used" >>$CONF
+ echo " S_HOSTNAME=$hostname" >>$CONF
+ echo " ;;" >>$CONF
+ echo "backup)" >>$CONF
+ echo " IPROOT=\"$bkip\"" >>$CONF
+ echo " #IPROOTMASK=" >>$CONF
+ echo " #IPROOTBCAST=" >>$CONF
+ echo " IPROOTDEV=$bkondev" >>$CONF
+ echo " S_HOSTNAME=$bkhostname" >>$CONF
+ echo " ;;" >>$CONF
+ echo "esac" >>$CONF
+ echo "# Set ONBOOT to yes or no if you want to enable this" >>$CONF
+ echo "# virtual server at boot time" >>$CONF
+ echo "# Control the start order of the vservers" >>$CONF
+ echo "# Lower value start first" >>$CONF
+ echo "PRIORITY=$priority" >>$CONF
+ echo "# You can set a different NIS domain for the vserver" >>$CONF
+ echo "# If empty, the current on is kept" >>$CONF
+ echo "# Set it to \"none\" to have no NIS domain set" >>$CONF
+ echo "S_DOMAINNAME=$domainname" >>$CONF
+ echo "# You can set the priority level (nice) of all process in the vserver" >>$CONF
+ echo "# Even root won't be able to raise it" >>$CONF
+ echo "S_NICE=$nice" >>$CONF
+ echo "# You can set various flags for the new security context" >>$CONF
+ echo "# lock: Prevent the vserver from setting new security context" >>$CONF
+ echo "# sched: Merge scheduler priority of all processes in the vserver" >>$CONF
+ echo "# so that it acts a like a single one." >>$CONF
+ echo "# nproc: Limit the number of processes in the vserver according to ulimit" >>$CONF
+ echo "# (instead of a per user limit, this becomes a per vserver limit)" >>$CONF
+ echo "# private: No other process can join this security context. Even root" >>$CONF
+ echo "# Do not forget the quotes around the flags" >>$CONF
+ echo "S_FLAGS=\"$flags\"" >>$CONF
+ echo "# You can set various ulimit flags and they will be inherited by the" >>$CONF
+ echo "# vserver. You enter here various command line argument of ulimit" >>$CONF
+ echo "# ULIMIT=\"-H -u 200\"" >>$CONF
+ echo "# The example above, combined with the nproc S_FLAGS will limit the" >>$CONF
+ echo "# vserver to a maximum of 200 processes" >>$CONF
+ echo "ULIMIT=\"$ulimit\"" >>$CONF
+ echo "# You can set various capabilities. By default, the vserver are run" >>$CONF
+ echo "# with a limited set, so you can let root run in a vserver and not" >>$CONF
+ echo "# worry about it. He can\'t take over the machine. In some cases" >>$CONF
+ echo "# you can to give a little more capabilities \(such as CAP_NET_RAW\)" >>$CONF
+ echo "# S_CAPS=\"CAP_NET_RAW\"" >>$CONF
+ echo "S_CAPS=\"\"" >>$CONF
+ echo "# Select an unused context (this is optional)" >>$CONF
+ echo "# The default is to allocate a free context on the fly" >>$CONF
+ echo "# In general you don't need to force a context" >>$CONF
+ echo "#S_CONTEXT=" >>$CONF
+ # Now we create the optional companion startup script
+ # for the vserver
+ SCRIPT=/etc/vservers/$name.sh
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" >$SCRIPT
+ echo 'case $1 in' >>$SCRIPT
+ echo "pre-start)" >>$SCRIPT
+ for dir in $dir1 $dir2 $dir3 $dir4 none
+ do
+ if [ "$dir" != "none" ] ; then
+ echo " mkdir -p $VROOT/$dir" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo " mount --bind $dir $VROOT/$dir" >>$SCRIPT
+ fi
+ done
+ echo " ;;" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo "post-start)" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo " ;;" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo "pre-stop)" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo " ;;" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo "post-stop)" >>$SCRIPT
+ for dir in $dir1 $dir2 $dir3 $dir4 none
+ do
+ if [ "$dir" != "none" ] ; then
+ echo " umount $VROOT/$dir" >>$SCRIPT
+ fi
+ done
+ echo " ;;" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo '*)' >>$SCRIPT
+ echo ' echo $0 pre-start' >>$SCRIPT
+ echo ' echo $0 pre-stop' >>$SCRIPT
+ echo ' echo $0 post-start' >>$SCRIPT
+ echo ' echo $0 post-stop' >>$SCRIPT
+ echo " ;;" >>$SCRIPT
+ echo "esac" >>$SCRIPT
+ chmod +x $SCRIPT
+ LOG=/var/run/newvserver.log.$$
+ if [ "$clone" = "/" ] ; then
+ # Unification does not work on / yet
+ $VSERVER_CMD $name build >$LOG
+ elif [ "$clone" = "#rh7.2" ] ; then
+ check_cd "first RedHat 7.2 CD"
+ set_fstab $VROOT
+ installpkgs $LOG $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-rh7.2 $name
+ elif [ "$clone" = "#rh7.3m" -o "$clone" = "#rh7.3f" ] ; then
+ check_cd "first RedHat 7.3 CD"
+ set_fstab $VROOT
+ if [ "$clone" = "#rh7.3m" ] ;then
+ installpkgs $LOG $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-rh7.3 $name minimum
+ else
+ installpkgs $LOG $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-rh7.3 $name full
+ fi
+ elif [ "$clone" = "#rh8.0m" -o "$clone" = "#rh8.0f" ] ; then
+ check_cd "first RedHat 8.0 CD"
+ set_fstab $VROOT
+ if [ "$clone" = "#rh8.0m" ] ;then
+ installpkgs $LOG $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-rh8.0 $name minimum
+ else
+ installpkgs $LOG $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-rh8.0 $name full
+ fi
+ elif [ "$clone" = "#rh9.0m" -o "$clone" = "#rh9.0f" ] ; then
+ check_cd "first RedHat 9.0 CD"
+ set_fstab $VROOT
+ if [ "$clone" = "#rh9.0m" ] ;then
+ installpkgs $LOG $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-rh9.0 $name minimum
+ else
+ installpkgs $LOG $USR_LIB_VSERVER/install-rh9.0 $name full
+ fi
+ elif [ "$unify" = "0" ] ; then
+ cp -ax /vservers/$clone/. $VROOT/. >$LOG
+ else
+ for dir in $exdir1 $exdir2 $exdir3 $exdir4 $exdir5 $exdir6 none
+ do
+ if [ "$dir" != "none" ] ; then
+ EXCLOPT="$EXCLOPT --excldir $dir"
+ fi
+ done
+ $USR_LIB_VSERVER/vbuild $EXCLOPT --stats /vservers/$clone $VROOT >$LOG
+ fi
+ rm -f $VROOT/var/run/utmp
+ $USR_LIB_VSERVER/fakerunlevel 3 $VROOT/var/run/utmp
+ test "$crond" = 1 && $VSERVER_CMD $name chkconfig crond on >/dev/null
+ test "$httpd" = 1 && $VSERVER_CMD $name chkconfig httpd on >/dev/null
+ test "$sshd" = 1 && $VSERVER_CMD $name chkconfig sshd on >/dev/null
+ if [ "$cleansshd" = 1 ] ; then
+ echo Deleting sshd server keys >>$LOG
+ rm -f $VROOT/etc/ssh/*_key
+ rm -f $VROOT/etc/ssh/*_key.pub
+ fi
+ test "$syslog" = 1 && $VSERVER_CMD $name chkconfig syslog on >/dev/null
+ test "$xinetd" = 1 && $VSERVER_CMD $name chkconfig xinetd on >/dev/null
+ test "$nscd" = 1 && $VSERVER_CMD $name chkconfig nscd on >/dev/null
+ host0=`echo $hostname | sed 's/\./ /g' | ( read a b; echo $a)`
+ echo $ip $hostname $host0 localhost >$VROOT/etc/hosts
+ RHNETWORK=$VROOT/etc/sysconfig/network
+ if [ -f $RHNETWORK ] ; then
+ cat $RHNETWORK | grep -v HOSTNAME >/tmp/newvserver.tmp.$$
+ cp /tmp/newvserver.tmp.$$ $RHNETWORK
+ echo HOSTNAME=$hostname >>$RHNETWORK
+ fi
+ # Umount proc and /dev/pts
+ $VSERVER_CMD $name stop >/dev/null
+ ENDTIME=`date +%s`
+ echo defval s1 Server $name was installed in $VROOT
+ echo defval s1 The configuration file /etc/vservers/$name.conf was created
+ echo defval s1 The script /etc/vservers/$name.sh was created
+ echo defval s1 Vserver $name was created in $DURATION seconds
+ echo defval s1
+ cat $LOG | while read line
+ do
+ echo defval s1 $line
+ done
+ echo notice =s1
+ rm -f $LOG
+ # Finish some stuff: root password, account policies
+ if [ -x $VROOT/usr/sbin/authconfig ] ; then
+ if [ "$usemd5" = "1" ] ; then
+ MD5OPT=--usemd5
+ fi
+ if [ "$useshadow" = "1" ] ; then
+ SHADOWOPT=--useshadow
+ fi
+ if [ "$nisserver" != "" ] ; then
+ NISOPT="--nisserver $nisserver --nisdomain $domainname"
+ fi
+ if [ "$ldapserver" != "" ] ; then
+ LDAPOPT="--ldapserver $ldapserver --ldapbasedn $ldapbasedn"
+ fi
+ $VSERVER_CMD $name exec /usr/sbin/authconfig \
+ --nostart --kickstart \
+ fi
+ if [ "$pass1" != "" ] ; then
+ (echo $pass1; sleep 5; echo $pass1) \
+ | $VSERVER_CMD --silent $name exec passwd >/dev/null
+ fi
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ qecho end