.TH "newvserver" "8" "0.1.0" "Jacques Gelinas " "System Administration" .SH "NAME" .LP newvserver \- The newvserver is an interactive tool to create new vservers. .SH "SYNTAX" .LP newvserver [ options ] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP newvserver \- The newvserver creates new vservers interactivly. It provides a graphical user interface as well as a text user interface. You can configure most aspect of the vserver (name, description, hostname, IP number, root password, ...), select a source and then perform the creation. A vserver may be created by cloning another one, cloning the root server or by performing a minimal installation from a distribution CD (RedHat supported so far). .SH "Default values" .LP The file /etc/vservers/newvserver.defaults is sourced to get default input value for many fields. If you are creating many vservers (you will :-) ), you may want to edit this file and enter suitable values such as your domain name, IP network, etc... .SH "OPTIONS" .LP .TP .I --help: Presents a summary of the options. .TP .I --name: Set the name of the new vserver. .TP .I --desc: Set the description. .TP .I --unify 1/0: Turn on unification on and off. .TP .I --hostname: Set the host name of the new vserver .TP .I --ip: Set the IP number(s) .TP .I --ondev: Install the IP numbers as IP aliases on device. .TP .I --clone: Create the vserver from another one or a distribution CD. .TP The distribution CD are identified by special strings: #rh8.0m: RedHat 8 minimal #rh8.0f: RedHat 8 complete first CD #rh7.3m: RedHat 7.3 minimal #rh7.3f: RedHat 7.3 complete first CD #rh7.2m: RedHat 7.2 minimal #rh7.2f: RedHat 7.2 complete first CD .SH "FILES" .LP \fI/etc/vservers/*.conf\fP .P \fI/etc/vservers/*.sh\fP .P \fI/etc/vservers/newvserver.defaults\fP .P \fI/vservers/*\fP .SH "AUTHORS" .LP This Man page was written by Jacques Gelinas. .SH "SEE ALSO" .LP vserver(8) vserver\-stat(8) distrib-info(8) vbuild(8)