# $Id$ --*- sh -*-- # Copyright (C) 2003 Enrico Scholz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ## Expected env: # $VSERVER_DIR ... path to vserver-cfg dir # $VSERVER_NAME ... name of vserver declare -a NICE_CMD=() declare -a CHBIND_OPTS=() declare -a CAP_OPTS=() declare -a CHCONTEXT_INIT_OPTS=() declare -a CHCONTEXT_FLAG_OPTS=() declare -a CHCONTEXT_OPTS=() declare -a CAPCHROOT_OPTS=() declare -a INTERFACES=() declare -a INITCMD_RESCUE=( /bin/sleep 900 ) declare -a INITCMD_START=() declare -a INITCMD_START_SYNC=() declare -a INITCMD_STOP=() declare -a INITCMD_STOP_SYNC=() declare -a INITCMD_PREPARE=() declare -a INITKILL_SEQ=() declare -a ENTER_SHELL=() declare -a OPTS_VCONTEXT_CREATE=() declare -a OPTS_VCONTEXT_MIGRATE=() declare -a OPTS_VCONTEXT_ENTER=() declare -a OPTS_VATTRIBUTE=( --flag fakeinit ) declare -a OPTS_VSCHED=() declare -a OPTS_ENV=() declare -a OPTS_VTAG_CREATE=() declare -a OPTS_VTAG_ENTER=() declare -a STOPCMD_PREPARE=() declare -a VSERVER_EXTRA_CMDS=() INIT_RESCUE= VSHELPER_SYNC_TIMEOUT=30 USE_VNAMESPACE= INTERFACE_CMDS_IDX=0 RUNLEVEL_START= RUNLEVEL_STOP= _HAVE_INTERFACE_OPTIONS= _HAVE_CHBIND_OPTIONS= _NEED_VSHELPER_SYNC= _IS_FAKEINIT= INITSTYLE=sysv S_CONTEXT= SILENT_OPT= : ${VSERVER_NAME:=$(basename "$VSERVER_DIR")} if test -e "$VSERVER_DIR"/noisy -o -n "$OPTION_VERBOSE"; then SILENT_OPT= else SILENT_OPT='--silent' fi function _readFileToArray { local _rfta_f="$1" local _rfta_a="$2" local _rfta_p="$3" local _rfta_v test -e "$_rfta_f" || return 0 while read _rfta_v; do case x"$_rfta_v" in (x|x\#*) ;; (*) eval "$_rfta_a=( \"\${$_rfta_a[@]}\" $_rfta_p \"$_rfta_v\" )";; esac done <"$_rfta_f" } function _generateChbindOptions { local vdir="$1" local i local bcast= local nid= test -n "$_HAVE_INTERFACE_OPTIONS" || _generateInterfaceOptions "$vdir" local f=$vdir/interfaces/bcast getFileValue bcast "$f" getFileValue nid "$vdir/ncontext" "$vdir/context" CHBIND_OPTS=( $SILENT_OPT --secure ${nid:+--nid "$nid"} ${bcast:+--bcast "$bcast"} ) for i in "${INTERFACES[@]}"; do CHBIND_OPTS=( "${CHBIND_OPTS[@]}" --ip "$i" ) done _readFileToArray "$vdir"/nflags CHBIND_OPTS --flag _readFileToArray "$vdir"/ncapabilities CHBIND_OPTS --ncap _HAVE_CHBIND_OPTIONS=1 } function _generateNiceCommand { local vdir=$1 local nice=0 local current_nice=`$_NICE` test -r "$vdir/nice" && read nice <"$vdir"/nice let nice=$nice-$current_nice || : NICE_CMD=( $_NICE -n $nice ) } function _generatePersonalityOptions { local vdir="$1" local f="$vdir"/personality local type flags test -s "$f" || return 0 { local delim tmp read type while read tmp; do case x$tmp in (x\#*|x) ;; (*) flags=$flags$delim$tmp delim=, ;; esac done } <"$f" OPTS_VCONTEXT_ENTER=( "${OPTS_VCONTEXT_ENTER[@]}" --personality-type "$type" ${flags:+--personality-flags "$flags"} ) } function _generateCCapabilityOptions { local vdir=$1 _readFileToArray "$vdir"/ccapabilities OPTS_VATTRIBUTE --ccap } function _generateBCapabilityOptions { local vdir=$1 _readFileToArray "$vdir"/bcapabilities OPTS_VATTRIBUTE --bcap } function _generateCapabilityOptions { local vdir=$1 local cap _generateBCapabilityOptions "$vdir" _generateCCapabilityOptions "$vdir" test -e "$vdir"/capabilities || return 0 CAP_OPTS=() CAPCHROOT_OPTS=() while read cap; do case x"$cap" in (x|x\#*) ;; (!CAP_SYSCHROOT) CAP_OPTS=( "${CAP_OPTS[@]}" --cap "$cap" ) CAPCHROOT_OPTS=( "${CAPCHROOT_OPTS[@]}" --nochroot ) ;; (*) CAP_OPTS=( "${CAP_OPTS[@]}" --cap "$cap" ) ;; esac done <"$vdir"/capabilities } function getEnterShell { local vdir=$1 local shell_file ENTER_SHELL=() getFileValue ENTER_SHELL "$vdir"/shell "$__CONFDIR"/.defaults/shell test -n "$ENTER_SHELL" || { local i for i in "/bin/bash -login" "/bin/sh -l" /bin/csh; do set -- $i test -x "$vdir/vdir/$1" || continue ENTER_SHELL=( "$@" ) break done } } ## Usage: sendKillSequence [ ]* function sendKillSequence { local ctx=$1 local wait= shift while isCtxRunning "$ctx"; do test -z "$wait" || sleep "$wait" killContext "$ctx" "$1" test -n "$2" || break wait="$2" shift 2 done } function _generateInitOptions { local vdir=$1 local cfgdir=$vdir/apps/init local i f INITCMD_START=() INITCMD_STOP=() INITCMD_START_SYNC=() INITCMD_STOP_SYNC=() INITCMD_PREPARE=() STOPCMD_PREPARE=() INITKILL_SEQ=( 15 5 9 ) CHCONTEXT_INIT_OPTS=() test x"$INITSTYLE" = xrescue || \ getFileValue INITSTYLE "$cfgdir"/style getFileValue RUNLEVEL_START "$cfgdir"/runlevel getFileValue RUNLEVEL_START "$cfgdir"/runlevel.start getFileValue RUNLEVEL_STOP "$cfgdir"/runlevel.stop getFileArray INITKILL_SEQ "$cfgdir"/killseq || : findFile _gio_env "$cfgdir"/environment \ "$__CONFDIR"/.defaults/apps/init/environment \ "$__PKGLIBDEFAULTDIR"/environment getFileArray OPTS_ENV "$_gio_env" || : case x"$INITSTYLE" in (xrescue) INITCMD_START=( "${INITCMD_RESCUE[@]}" ) INITCMD_STOP=( /sbin/killall5 ) ;; (xsysv) test -n "$RUNLEVEL_START" || RUNLEVEL_START=3 test -n "$RUNLEVEL_STOP" || RUNLEVEL_STOP=6 for i in /etc/init.d/rc /etc/rc.d/rc; do test -x "$vdir/vdir/$i" || continue INITCMD_START=( "$i" "$RUNLEVEL_START" ) INITCMD_STOP=( "$i" "$RUNLEVEL_STOP" ) done INITCMD_PREPARE=( $_FAKE_RUNLEVEL "$RUNLEVEL_START" /var/run/utmp ) OPTS_ENV=( "${OPTS_ENV[@]}" PREVLEVEL=N RUNLEVEL="$RUNLEVEL_START" ) if test -n "$OPTION_DEBUG_SYSV"; then INITCMD_START=( /bin/bash -x "${INITCMD_START[@]}" ) INITCMD_STOP=( /bin/bash -x "${INITCMD_STOP[@]}" ) fi ;; (xplain) INITCMD_START=( /sbin/init ) INITCMD_STOP=( /sbin/init ) _IS_FAKEINIT=1 _NEED_VSHELPER_SYNC=1 test -z "$RUNLEVEL_START" || INITCMD_START=( "${INITCMD_START[@]}" "$RUNLEVEL_START" ) test -z "$RUNLEVEL_STOP" || INITCMD_STOP=( "${INITCMD_STOP[@]}" "$RUNLEVEL_STOP" ) ;; (xminit) INITCMD_START=( /sbin/minit-start ) INITCMD_STOP=( /sbin/minit-stop ) _IS_FAKEINIT=1 INITCMD_START_SYNC=( "$_INITSYNC_MINIT_START" "$vdir" ) _NEED_VSHELPER_SYNC=1 test -z "$RUNLEVEL_START" || INITCMD_START=( "${INITCMD_START[@]}" "$RUNLEVEL_START" ) test -z "$RUNLEVEL_STOP" || INITCMD_STOP=( "${INITCMD_STOP[@]}" "$RUNLEVEL_STOP" ) ! isNumber "${RUNLEVEL_START:-3}" || INITCMD_PREPARE=( $_FAKE_RUNLEVEL "${RUNLEVEL_START:-3}" /var/run/utmp ) ;; (xgentoo) test -n "$RUNLEVEL_START" || RUNLEVEL_START="default" INITCMD_START=( env TERM=$TERM /lib/rcscripts/sh/init-vserver.sh "$RUNLEVEL_START" ) INITCMD_STOP=( env -i TERM=$TERM RUNLEVEL=0 /sbin/rc shutdown ) INITCMD_PREPARE=( $_FAKE_RUNLEVEL 3 /var/run/utmp ) ;; (x) ;; (*) panic "Unknown init-style '$INITSTYLE'; aborting";; esac if test x"$INITSTYLE" != xrescue; then getFileArray INITCMD_START "$cfgdir"/cmd.start || : getFileArray INITCMD_STOP "$cfgdir"/cmd.stop || : getFileArray INITCMD_START_SYNC "$cfgdir"/cmd.start-sync || : getFileArray INITCMD_STOP_SYNC "$cfgdir"/cmd.stop-sync || : getFileArray INITCMD_PREPARE "$cfgdir"/cmd.prepare || : fi test -n "$OPTION_FORCE_SYNC" -o -e "$cfgdir"/sync || { INITCMD_START_SYNC=() INITCMD_STOP_SYNC=() _NEED_VSHELPER_SYNC= } if vshelper.isEnabled; then vshelper.getSyncTimeout "$vdir" VSHELPER_SYNC_TIMEOUT || : else _NEED_VSHELPER_SYNC= fi } function _generateFlagOptions { local vdir=$1 CHCONTEXT_FLAG_OPTS=() test ! -e "$vdir"/flags || \ while read flag; do case x"$flag" in (x|x\#*) ;; (xnamespace) ;; (xfakeinit) _IS_FAKEINIT=1 ;; (*) OPTS_VATTRIBUTE=( "${OPTS_VATTRIBUTE[@]}" --flag "$flag" ) CHCONTEXT_FLAG_OPTS=( "${CHCONTEXT_FLAG_OPTS[@]}" --flag "$flag" ) ;; esac done <"$vdir"/flags isAvoidNamespace "$vdir" || { USE_VNAMESPACE=1 CHCONTEXT_FLAG_OPTS=( "${CHCONTEXT_FLAG_OPTS[@]}" --flag namespace ) } } function _generateChcontextOptions { local vdir=$1 local ctx hostname domainname local cap_opts local flag { read ctx <"$vdir"/context || : ## LEGACY ALERT read hostname <"$vdir"/uts/nodename || read hostname <"$vdir"/hostname || : read domainname <"$vdir"/uts/domainname || read domainname <"$vdir"/domainname || : } 2>/dev/null test -z "$S_CONTEXT" || ctx=$S_CONTEXT _generateCapabilityOptions "$vdir" _generateFlagOptions "$vdir" CHCONTEXT_OPTS=( $SILENT_OPT \ "${CHCONTEXT_FLAG_OPTS[@]}" \ "${CAP_OPTS[@]}" \ --secure ${ctx:+--ctx "$ctx"} \ ${hostname:+--hostname "$hostname"} \ ${domainname:+--domainname "$domainname"} ) OPTS_VCONTEXT_CREATE=( $SILENT_OPT \ ${ctx:+--xid "$ctx"} ) ## put '--secure' at front so that it can be overridden OPTS_VATTRIBUTE=( --secure --flag default "${OPTS_VATTRIBUTE[@]}" ) } function _generateScheduleOptions { local vdir=$1 if test -d "$vdir"/sched; then OPTS_VSCHED=( --dir "$vdir"/sched --missingok ) return 0 fi local f="$vdir"/schedule test -e "$f" || return 0 local fill_rate interval tokens tokens_min tokens_max prio_bias { { read fill_rate && \ read interval && \ read tokens && \ read tokens_min && \ read tokens_max && \ read prio_bias || prio_bias= } <"$f" } 2>/dev/null test -n "$prio_bias" || { echo $"Bad content in '$f'; aborting..." >&2 false } OPTS_VSCHED=( --fill-rate "$fill_rate" --interval "$interval" \ --tokens "$tokens" --tokens_min "$tokens_min" \ --tokens_max "$tokens_max" --priority-bias "$prio_bias" ) } function _getInterfaceValue { local _giv_val=$1 local _giv_dflt=$2 shift 2 local _giv_i local _giv_tmp for _giv_i; do read _giv_tmp <"$_giv_i/$_giv_val" && break || : done 2>/dev/null : ${_giv_tmp:=$_giv_dflt} eval $_giv_val=\$_giv_tmp } ## Usage: _transformMask2Prefix function _transformMask2Prefix { local _tm2p_tmp=$2 test -n "$_tm2p_tmp" || { $_MASK2PREFIX "$3" || _tm2p_tmp=$? } eval $1=\$_tm2p_tmp return 0 } function _addInterfaceCmd { eval INTERFACE_CMDS_${INTERFACE_CMDS_IDX}='( "$@" )' let ++INTERFACE_CMDS_IDX } ## Usage: _generateMac function _generateMac { isNumber "$2" || { echo $"Interface basename '$iface' must be either a number, or the mac must be configured explicitly" >&2 return 1 } eval $1=$(printf "f0:ff:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" $[ (~($2>>8)) & 0xff ] $[ ($2 & 0xff) ] $[ ($3>>8) & 0xff ] $[ $3 & 0xff ]) } function _getVLANInfo { case "$1" in (vlan????) panic "\ creation of VLAN_PLUS_VID devices is not supported; please create them before starting the vserver and use the 'nodev' flag then" echo "$1 vlan ${1##vlan} VLAN_PLUS_VID" ;; (vlan*) panic "\ creation of VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD devices is not supported; please create them before starting the vserver and use the 'nodev' flag then" echo "$1 vlan ${1##vlan} VLAN_PLUS_VID_N0_PAD" ;; (*.????) echo "$1 ${1%%.*} ${1##*.} DEV_PLUS_VID";; (*.*) echo "$1 ${1%%.*} ${1##*.} DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD";; (*) return 1 esac return 0 } ## Usage: _processSingleInterface function _processSingleInterface { local iface=$1 local ip local dev local prefix local mask local bcast local name local scope local mac local extip local up="up" _getInterfaceValue ip '' "$iface" _getInterfaceValue extip '' "$iface" "$iface/.." _getInterfaceValue dev '' "$iface" "$iface/.." _getInterfaceValue prefix '' "$iface" "$iface/.." _getInterfaceValue mask '' "$iface" "$iface/.." _getInterfaceValue bcast '' "$iface" "$iface/.." _getInterfaceValue name '' "$iface" _getInterfaceValue scope '' "$iface" "$iface/.." _getInterfaceValue mac '' "$iface" test -n "$ip" || { echo $"Can not read ip for '$iface'" >&2; return 1; } test -n "$dev" -o -e "$iface"/nodev || { echo $"No device specified for '$iface'" >&2 return 1; } test ! -e "$iface"/down || up= while true; do _transformMask2Prefix prefix "$prefix" "$mask" INTERFACES=( "${INTERFACES[@]}" "$ip${prefix:+/$prefix}" ) test ! -e "$iface"/nodev || break ## LEGACY ALERT test ! -e "$iface"/only_ip || break test -e "$iface/vlandev" \ -o \( -e "$iface/../vlandev" -a ! -e "$iface/novlandev" \) \ -o \( -e "$__CONFDIR/.defaults/interfaces/vlandev" \ -a ! -e "$iface/novlandev" \ -a ! -e "$iface/../novlandev" \) && { local vlan_info if vlan_info=$(_getVLANInfo "$dev"); then test -d /proc/net/vlan || { echo -e $"VLAN device-name used, but vlan subsystem not enabled.\nTry to execute 'modprobe 8021q' before starting the vservers" >&2 return 1 } _addInterfaceCmd VCONFIG $vlan_info fi } if ! test -e "$iface"/indirect; then # XXX: IPv6 hack use_bcast="broadcast ${bcast:-+}" echo "$ip" | $_GREP -q : && use_bcast= _addInterfaceCmd IP_ADDR "$ip${prefix:+/$prefix}" $use_bcast ${name:+label "$dev:$name"} dev "$dev" #_addInterfaceCmd IP_ROUTE "$ip${prefix:+/$prefix}" dev "$dev" _addInterfaceCmd IP_LINK "$dev" $up elif ! test -n "$ctx"; then echo $"Using 'dummy' (indirect) for interface '$dev' requires a fixed context number; dynamic ctx are not supported" >&2 return 1 else test -z "$mac" || _generateMac mac "$(basename $iface)" "$ctx" || return 1 _addInterfaceCmd MODPROBE dummy "$dev" _addInterfaceCmd IP_LINK dev dummy0 address "$mac" _addInterfaceCmd NAMEIF "$dev" "$mac" _addInterfaceCmd IP_ADDR "$ip${prefix:+/$prefix}" dev "$dev" test -z "$extip" || _addInterfaceCmd IPTABLES "$ip${prefix:+/$prefix}" ${name:+label "$dev:$name"} "$ctx" "$extip" fi break done } ## Usage: _generateInterfaceOptions function _generateInterfaceOptions { local iface local ctx test ! -e "$1"/context || read ctx <"$1"/context for iface in "$1/interfaces/"*; do test -d "$iface" || continue test ! -e "$iface"/disabled || continue _processSingleInterface "$iface" done _HAVE_INTERFACE_OPTIONS=1 } function _generateTagOptions { local vdir="$1" local tag getFileValue tag "$vdir/tag" "$vdir/context" || return 0 OPTS_VTAG_CREATE=( --tag "$tag" ) OPTS_VTAG_ENTER=( --tag "$tag" ) } function enableInterfaces { local i=0 declare -a var lock "$__LOCKDIR"/vserver.interfaces while test $i -lt $INTERFACE_CMDS_IDX; do eval var='( "${INTERFACE_CMDS_'$i'[@]}" )' local type=${var[0]} unset var[0] set -- "${var[@]}" case "$type" in IPTABLES) ;; ## TODO MODPROBE) local mod=$1 local name=$2 shift 2 $_MODPROBE ${name:+-o "$name"} "$mod" "$@" ;; NAMEIF) $_NAMEIF "$@";; VCONFIG) $_VCONFIG set_name_type "$4" >/dev/null $_VCONFIG add "$2" "$3" >/dev/null;; IP_ADDR) $_IP addr add "$@";; IP_ADDR_FLUSH) $_IP addr flush "$@";; IP_LINK) $_IP link set "$@";; IP_ROUTE) $_IP route add "$@";; *) echo "Unknown interface-command type '$type'" >&2; false;; esac let ++i done unlock 1 } function disableInterfaces { test -n "$_HAVE_INTERFACE_OPTIONS" || _generateInterfaceOptions "$1" local i=$INTERFACE_CMDS_IDX declare -a var lock "$__LOCKDIR"/vserver.interfaces while test $i -gt 0; do let --i || : eval var='( "${INTERFACE_CMDS_'$i'[@]}" )' local type=${var[0]} unset var[0] set -- "${var[@]}" case "$type" in IPTABLES) ;; ## TODO MODPROBE) $_RMMOD "${2:-$1}";; NAMEIF) ;; VCONFIG) $_VCONFIG rem "$2.$3" >/dev/null;; IP_ADDR) $_IP addr del "$@";; IP_ADDR_FLUSH) ;; IP_LINK) ;; ## Ignore the link-down command for now IP_ROUTE) $_IP route del "$@";; *) echo "Unknown interface-command type '$type'" >&2; false;; esac done unlock 1 } ## Usage: prepareInit function prepareInit { pushd "$1/vdir" >/dev/null case "$INITSTYLE" in sysv) { find var/run ! -type d -print0; \ find var/lock ! -type d -print0; } | xargs -0r $_CHROOT_SH rm ;; plain) $_CHROOT_SH rm .autofsck forcefsck 2>/dev/null || : : | $_CHROOT_SH truncate fastboot 2>/dev/null || : ;; minit) ;; esac "${INITCMD_PREPARE[@]}" popd >/dev/null } ## Usage: prepareInit function prepareStop { pushd "$1/vdir" >/dev/null case "$INITSTYLE" in (sysv) export PREVLEVEL=$RUNLEVEL_START RUNLEVEL=$RUNLEVEL_STOP # required by Debian's initscripts ;; esac "${STOPCMD_PREPARE[@]}" popd >/dev/null } function generateOptions { _generateInterfaceOptions "$1" test -n "$_HAVE_CHBIND_OPTIONS" || _generateChbindOptions "$1" _generateNiceCommand "$1" _generateInitOptions "$1" _generateChcontextOptions "$1" _generateScheduleOptions "$1" _generatePersonalityOptions "$1" _generateTagOptions "$1" if test -n "$_IS_FAKEINIT"; then CHCONTEXT_INIT_OPTS=( --disconnect --flag fakeinit ) OPTS_VCONTEXT_MIGRATE=( "${OPTS_VCONTEXT_MIGRATE[@]}" --initpid --disconnect ) fi } function addtoCPUSET { local vdir=$1 local cpuset local f="$vdir"/cpuset local i local configured=0 test -d "$f" || return 0 test -e "$f"/name || return 0 read cpuset < "$f"/name test -e "$f"/nocreate || { test -d /dev/cpuset/"$cpuset" || mkdir /dev/cpuset/"$cpuset" || configured=1 for i in cpus mems cpu_exclusive mem_exclusive virtualized; do if test -e "$f"/"$i"; then cat "$f"/"$i" >/dev/cpuset/"$cpuset"/"$i" || { configured=1 break } fi done } echo $$ >/dev/cpuset/"$cpuset"/tasks || configured=1 if [ "$configured" -ne 0 ]; then warning $"\ WARNING: Failed to create or CPUSET \"$cpuset\" does not exist! Not using it!" >&2 rmdir /dev/cpuset/"$cpuset" 2>/dev/null || : return 0 fi } function removeCPUSET { local vdir=$1 local cpuset local f="$vdir"/cpuset test -d "$f" || return 0 test -e "$f"/name || return 0 read cpuset < "$f"/name test -e "$f"/nocreate || { rmdir /dev/cpuset/"$cpuset" 2>/dev/null || : } } function _mountVserverInternal { local fstab="$1" local xflag= test -e "$fstab" || return 0 shift pushd "$vdir" >/dev/null # check whether / is mounted readonly or whether there is special # magic regarding the mtab file; when etc/mtab can not be touched, # add the '-n' flag to mount test -w etc -o -w etc/mtab || xflag=-n "$@" $_SECURE_MOUNT -a $xflag --chroot --fstab "$fstab" --rootfs no popd >/dev/null } function mountRootFS { local cfgdir=$1 local vdir=$1/vdir local fstab="$cfgdir"/fstab local xflag= test -e "$fstab" || return 0 pushd "$vdir" >/dev/null # check whether / is mounted readonly or whether there is special # magic regarding the mtab file; when etc/mtab can not be touched, # add the '-n' flag to mount test -w etc -o -w etc/mtab || xflag=-n $_SECURE_MOUNT -a $xflag --chroot --fstab "$fstab" --rootfs only -n popd >/dev/null } function mountVserver { local cfgdir=$1 local ns_opt=$2 local vdir=$1/vdir local mtab_src test -e "$cfgdir"/fstab -o \ -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.local -o \ -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.remote || return 0 findObject -r mtab_src "$cfgdir"/apps/init/mtab "$__CONFDIR"/.defaults/init/mtab "$__PKGLIBDEFAULTDIR"/mtab /dev/null pushd "$vdir" >/dev/null $_CHROOT_SH truncate /etc/mtab <"$mtab_src" popd >/dev/null test -n "$_HAVE_CHBIND_OPTIONS" || _generateChbindOptions "$cfgdir" _mountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab _mountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab.local _mountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab.remote $_CHBIND "${CHBIND_OPTS[@]}" isNamespaceCleanup "$cfgdir" && \ _namespaceCleanup "$cfgdir" isAvoidNamespace "$cfgdir" || \ $_SECURE_MOUNT --rbind -n "$vdir" "/" } function _umountVserverInternal { local fstab="$1" test -e "$fstab" || return 0 shift $_TAC "$fstab" | { is_ok=1 while read src dst tmp; do test -n "$tmp" || continue case x"$src" in (x\#*) continue;; esac "$@" $_EXEC_CD "$dst" $_UMOUNT -lfn . || is_ok= done test -n "$is_ok" } } function umountVserver { local cfgdir=$1 local vdir=$1/vdir local is_ok=1 isAvoidNamespace "$cfgdir" || return 0 test -e "$cfgdir"/fstab -o \ -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.local -o \ -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.remote || return 0 test -n "$_HAVE_CHBIND_OPTIONS" || _generateChbindOptions "$cfgdir" pushd "$vdir/" >/dev/null || return 1 _umountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab.remote $_CHBIND "${CHBIND_OPTS[@]}" || is_ok= _umountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab.local || is_ok= _umountVserverInternal "$cfgdir"/fstab || is_ok= popd >/dev/null || return 1 test -n "$is_ok" } ## Usage: waitForSync function initSync { local _is_meth=sync test -n "$_NEED_VSHELPER_SYNC" && \ ! $_VSERVER_INFO - FEATURE vwait || _is_meth=async vshelper.initSync "$1" "$3" "$_is_meth" } ## Usage: initWait function initWait { if $_VSERVER_INFO - FEATURE vwait; then local _is_tmpdir _is_tmpdir=$($_MKTEMPDIR vwaitstat.XXXXXX) ( $_VWAIT --timeout "$VSHELPER_SYNC_TIMEOUT" \ --status-fd 3 "$2" \ >>$_is_tmpdir/out 2>$_is_tmpdir/err 3>$_is_tmpdir/fifo rc=$? if test "$rc" -ne 0 -a "$rc" -ne 1; then $_VPS axf | $_EGREP -e "^[^ \t]+[ \t]+$S_CONTEXT[ \t]+" >&4 killContext "$S_CONTEXT" 9 fi exit $rc ) 4>$_is_tmpdir/procs & echo "$!" >$_is_tmpdir/pid eval "$3"=$_is_tmpdir fi function _waitForVWait { wait "$3" || : declare -a status declare -r procs=$(cat $4) getFileArray status "$2" set -- ${status[0]} case "$1" in (ERROR) warning $"\ 'vwait' exited with error '$2' which indicates that vserver could not be stopped properly" ;; (FINISHED) ;; (KILLED) warning $"\ A timeout occured while waiting for the vserver to finish and it was killed by sending a SIGKILL signal. Please investigate the reasons and/or increase the timeout in apps/vshelper/sync-timeout." ;; (TIMEOUT) warning $"\ A timeout occured while waiting for the vserver to finish and it will be killed by sending a SIGKILL signal. The following process list might be useful for finding out the reason of this behavior: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ${procs:+$procs }----------------------------------------------------------------------" ;; (\?\?\?|*) warning $"\ internal error: 'vwait' exited with an unexpected status '$1'; I will try to continue but be prepared for unexpected events." ;; esac return 0 } ## Usage: waitForSync [] [] function waitForSync { local cfgdir=$1 local fifo=$2 local vwait_statdir=$3 local vwait_pid=$4 if test -d "$vwait_statdir"; then _waitForVWait "$cfgdir" "$vwait_statdir/fifo" "$( <$vwait_statdir/pid )" "$vwait_statdir/procs" elif test -n "$_NEED_VSHELPER_SYNC"; then $_VSHELPER_SYNC "$fifo" "$VSHELPER_SYNC_TIMEOUT" || \ warning $"\ A timeout or other error occured while waiting for the synchronization signal from vserver '$VSERVER_NAME'. The vserver will be killed nevertheless..." elif test "${#INITCMD_STOP_SYNC[@]}" -ne 0; then "${INITCMD_STOP_SYNC[@]}" || \ warning $"\ Stop-synchronization for vserver '$VSERVER_NAME' failed. The vserver will be killed nevertheless..." fi test -z "$OPTION_FORCE_SYNC" -a ! -e "$cfgdir"/sync || sleep 1 } function _sourceWrap { local vdir name flavor start i already_handled base . "$@" } ## Usage: execScriptlets function execScriptlets { declare -r vdir=$1 declare -r name=$2 declare -r flavor=$3 local base i for base in "$vdir"/scripts "$__CONFDIR"/.defaults/scripts; do local DONT_SKIP_DEFAULTS= local already_handled= for i in "$base/$flavor" "$base/$flavor.d"/*; do isRegularFile "$i" || continue test -r "$i" || continue already_handled=1 local start= test -x "$i" || start=_sourceWrap $start "$i" "$flavor" "$name" done test -z "$already_handled" -o -n "$DONT_SKIP_DEFAULTS" || break done } function sanityCheck { declare -r cfgdir=$1 ! test -e "$cfgdir"/fstab.local || warning $"\ WARNING: 'fstab' will *not* be executed in the network context of the vserver anymore. Therefore, 'fstab.local' has the same functionality and is obsoleted. When you need the old behaviour, put the mounts into 'fstab.remote'" ! test -e "$cfgdir"/hostname -a ! -L "$cfgdir"/hostname || warning $"\ WARNING: The hostname is now configured in 'uts/nodename' but not in 'hostname'." ! test -e "$cfgdir"/domainname -a ! -L "$cfgdir"/domainname || warning $"\ WARNING: The domainname is now configured in 'uts/domainname' but not in 'domainname'." >&2 local i for i in "$cfgdir"/interfaces/*/only_ip; do if test -e "$i"; then local iface iface=${i##$cfgdir/interfaces/} iface=${iface%%/only_ip} warning $"\ WARNING: The 'only_ip' flag for interface '$iface' is deprecated; use 'nodev' instead of" fi done test ! -d "$cfgdir"/dlimits -o -L "$cfgdir/cache" || \ warning $"\ WARNING: There is no cachedirectory configured for this vserver; please create '$cfgdir/cache' e.g. by executing ln -s ../.defaults/cachebase/$VSERVER_NAME $cfgdir/cache " find "$cfgdir" -type f -exec "$_CHECK_UNIXFILE" '{}' ';' vshelper.doSanityCheck $_VSERVER_INFO - VERIFYCAP || panic $"capabilities are not enabled in kernel-setup" $_VSERVER_INFO - VERIFYPROC || panic $"\ /proc/uptime can not be accessed. Usually, this is caused by procfs-security. Please read the FAQ for more details http://linux-vserver.org/Proc-Security" } function _setSingleDiskLimit { local vdir=$1 local dlimit=$2 local space_used= local space_total= local inodes_used= local inodes_total= local reserved= local directory= local ctx= getFileValue ctx "$vdir/context" getFileValue directory "$dlimit/directory" || return 0 getFileValue space_total "$dlimit/space_total" || return 0 getFileValue inodes_total "$dlimit/inodes_total" || return 0 getFileValue reserved "$dlimit/reserved" || return 0 local cachename=$ctx$directory cachename=dlimits/${cachename//\//_} test -e "$vdir/cache/$cachename" && . "$vdir/cache/$cachename" # Remove the cache so if the machine goes down unexpectedly, we won't have a stale cache $_RM -f "$vdir/cache/$cachename" if test -z "$inodes_used" -o -z "$space_used"; then local tmpvdu tmpvdu=`$_VDU --xid $ctx --space --inodes --script "$directory"` inodes_used=${tmpvdu##* } space_used=${tmpvdu%% *} fi $_VDLIMIT --xid $ctx \ --set space_used=$space_used \ --set space_total=$space_total \ --set inodes_used=$inodes_used \ --set inodes_total=$inodes_total \ --set reserved=$reserved \ "$directory" } function setDiskLimits { local vdir=$1 local dlimit # Disk Limits without a static context are useless test -e "$vdir"/context || return 0 for dlimit in "$vdir/dlimits/"*; do test -d "$dlimit" || continue test ! -e "$dlimit/disabled" || continue _setSingleDiskLimit "$vdir" "$dlimit" done } function _saveSingleDiskLimit { local vdir=$1 local dlimit=$2 local ctx= local directory= getFileValue ctx "$vdir/context" getFileValue directory "$dlimit/directory" || return 0 local cachename=$ctx$directory cachename=${cachename//\//_} # Things are getting ugly here... LFS says that /var/cache (where # cachename is usually pointing to) can vanish and applications # have to deal with it. So, we have to interprete the $vdir/cache # symlink and have to create the needed directories manually. if test -d "$vdir/cache"; then : # ok, exists already elif test -L "$vdir/cache"; then # it's a dangling symlink local link link=$($_READLINK "$vdir/cache") ( cd $vdir && $_MKDIR -p "$link" ) else return 0 fi test -d "$vdir/cache" $_MKDIR -p "$vdir"/cache/dlimits $_VDLIMIT --xid $ctx "$directory" | \ $_GREP '_used=' > "$vdir/cache/dlimits/$cachename" $_VDLIMIT --xid $ctx --remove "$directory" } function saveDiskLimits { local vdir=$1 local dlimit test -e "$vdir"/context || return 0 for dlimit in "$vdir/dlimits/"*; do test -d "$dlimit" || continue test ! -e "$dlimit/disabled" || continue _saveSingleDiskLimit "$vdir" "$dlimit" done } function _namespaceCleanup { local vdir="$1" local root=$($_VSERVER_INFO "$1" VDIR 1) local -a list local -a skip local tmp getFileArray skip "$vdir"/namespace-cleanup-skip \ "$__CONFDIR"/.defaults/namespace-cleanup-skip || : # these are things that have to be accessible post-cleanup for tmp in "$root" "$__SBINDIR" "$__PKGLIBDIR" "$vdir" \ "$__PKGSTATEDIR" "$__LOCKDIR" /usr/local /tmp "${skip[@]}"; do while test -n "$tmp"; do list=( "${list[@]}" "$tmp" ) tmp="${tmp%/*}" done done local -a list_umount while read dev path opts; do test -n "$path" || continue for i in "$root" /dev /proc; do test "${path#$i}" != "$path" && continue 2 done for i in "${list[@]}" /; do test "$path" = "$i" && continue 2 done # unmount them in reverse order so mounts further down the tree get unmounted first list_umount=( "$path" "${list_umount[@]}" ) done < /proc/mounts # separate loop to avoid races while reading /proc/mounts for i in "${list_umount[@]}"; do $_UMOUNT -l -n "$i" done } function loadDeviceMap { local xid="$1" local dir="$2" local flags device target test -d "$dir" || return 0 for i in "$dir"/*; do test -d "$i" || continue local -a vdevmap_opts=() test -e "$i/create" && vdevmap_opts=( "${vdevmap_opts[@]}" --create ) test -e "$i/open" && vdevmap_opts=( "${vdevmap_opts[@]}" --open ) test -e "$i/remap" && vdevmap_opts=( "${vdevmap_opts[@]}" --remap ) getFileValue flags "$i/flags" || : getFileValue device "$i/device" || : getFileValue target "$i/target" || : vdevmap_opts=( "${vdevmap_opts[@]}" ${flags:+--flags "$flags"} \ ${device:+--device "$device"} ${target:+--target "$target"} ) $_VDEVMAP --xid "$xid" "${vdevmap_opts[@]}" || return $? done }